Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Food drying

Food drying. How to burn subcutaneous fat?

Note ✒

🔸 The main task for the drying process to build a competent diet.

Without dieting to burn body fat is unrealistic.

And don’t be afraid of the word “diet” is not fasting or severe dietary restrictions.

We are talking about the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. We remind you that you cannot burn fat locally, stomach, legs, arms, buttocks, etc. burns Fat around the body!

🔸 Food drying for women: a phase 1 first and foremost you need to understand how much protein, fat and carbohydrates we need to consume in a day.

To calculate the need for protein and carbohydrates will, according to the formula (weight ×2). Let’s say You weigh 57 kg, so protein / carbs = 114 gr.

As we still train adds about 30-40 grams of protein and carbohydrates. Fats we get from protein and carbohydrate sources (you can add a few grams of fish oil per day).

But should not exceed the limit of 0.5 g per 1 kg of body weight, i.e., weight of 57 kg = 28,5 gr of fat a day.
To eat fractional: 5-6 times a day.

Most of the carbohydrates is better to eat immediately after training. Closer to the dream carbohydrate intake is reduced.

🔸 So what foods can you eat on the drying?

🔸 Protein sources: Chicken breast, tuna, halibut, flounder, shrimp, salmon, egg whites, low-fat yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, protein shakes.

🔸 Sources of carbohydrates: Brown or wild rice, lentils, steamed vegetables, white potatoes (baked or steamed), oatmeal, salads (no croutons, fatty dressings and cheese).

🔸 Sources of fat: Nuts, cashews and almonds, peanut butter, whole eggs (with yolk), fat of meat (steak, ground beef, Turkey, etc.), Flaxseed oil, fish oil.

We recommend the house to keep all the products and not to buy something forbidden, not to be tempted to break your diet.


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