Monday, August 22, 2016


1. Lie down on your left side with your left hand put it under her head. Straighten your legs, stomach straining. On the exhale pull the abdomen while raising the right leg, not too high.
Hold this position, take a breath and on the exhale stretch the right leg to the raised left. Hold balance 5 seconds.
Repeat 6 - 10 times for each side.

2. Get on all fours, badly strained stomach muscles. On the exhale, simultaneously extend your right arm and left leg to make a straight line. Hold this position for 3 seconds. On the exhale, lower your arm and leg to the floor.
Do 10 repetitions for each leg.

3. Breathing exercise. Lie down on the floor, bend your knees and put your hands right under the head. On the inhale bring the maximum belly, heavily straining the muscles and on the exhale stick out.
Do 20 breaths.

4. Lie down on your left side with your left hand put it under her head. Bend your right leg at the knee and put her lying on the floor in front of the left.
Raise the left leg 30 cm off the floor.

The whole point is that during this exercise the muscles of the body should be as stretched and elongated as if at attention. To fall back! Repeat 6 - 10 times for each side.

5. Squats the wall will benefit buttocks and hips. Strained abdominal muscles on the exhale, sit down with legs bent 90° on the inhale return to the starting position. Sit down 20 times.

- In conclusion I would suggest daily to hula-Hoop on waist for 5 minutes in each direction. This is useful, for example, while watching a favorite TV show.

- Also useful to carry out beauty treatments to improve skin: massage, special creams and gels, as well as to do homemade wraps.


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