Sunday, August 28, 2016


Greens. The pros and cons

🌱 PARSLEY: raises potency and removes puffiness

+ Useful when the pain in the heart. Possesses good diuretic effect, helps with edema. It is insulin, because parsley is recommended for patients with diabetes. In a small bunch of parsley (50 g) “hides” the daily dose of vitamin C. it Is useful for muscles and bones potassium with phosphorus, regulating the rhythm of the heart, soothing nerves, and relieving insomnia magnesium. As well as iron (for anemia), zinc (boosts libido), fluorine (no cavities!), selenium and flavonoids for the prevention of cancer.

- According to recent studies, parsley should not get involved pregnant women, although it contains useful folic acid. This herb excessively strains the uterus. With care taken in diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

🌱 SALAD: it’s a tummy ache?

+ Whole fresh green salad turns out to be the most useless plant. It has folic acid and a minor amount of vitamin C. to get a daily dose askorbinki, you have to eat a pound of salad, preferably with rastitelnym oil. Fun for everybody!

- Recently American doctors said that the beloved in the country, lettuce is a dangerous plant! It provokes intestinal diseases, which even ended in death. Not a salad with: pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, kidney stones.

🌱 MINT: relax and sleep

+ Relieves headaches (can be brewed into a tea, or grate greens whiskey), useful in cardiovascular diseases: soothes and dilates blood vessels. It is even called “a female grass” - the best means in “critical days”.

- It is not for children under 6 years. Another contraindication is a bronchospasm.

🌱 GARLIC LEAVES: down with germs!

+ It contains 3 times more vitamin C than onions! The stalks of garlic emit volatile. The leaves create the air around him, protective, sterile area, which killed the causative agents of many diseases. An excellent tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis, infection. To eat raw.

- Have contraindications: diseases of the heart and kidneys, rheumatism, be used with caution in liver disease, pancreatitis, gastritis, exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

🌱 DANDELION: invigorating as coffee

+ Tincture of dandelion boosts immunity, tones no worse than coffee. Flowers (no green substrate) can be raw, add to salads of wild plants or in an ordinary vegetable salads. They have an expectorant effect, and soothe and treat insomnia.

- With care taken ulcer, gastritis, cholelithiasis.

🌱 GREEN ONIONS: food “cores”

+ It turns out that Luke is much more than 250 species! Most have potassium normalizes heart rhythm and volatile - the ones that are very useful to boost immunity for colds.

The average beam of onions (100 g) contains a daily rate of vitamin C Are antioxidants, has protivoateroskleroticheskim action. So the onion is very useful to all who have sick heart and blood vessels. Onions are best added to salads.

- Raw greens, and especially onions can not chew with pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

🌱 DILL: lowers blood pressure

+ The grass is rich in keratin and vitamin C, and therefore, useful for vision. Effectively reduces pressure. Vitamin C it is a bit less than parsley, but also very much. Also contains calcium, phosphorus and magnesium (what good are they - “Parsley”). Stimulates the bowels.

Best consumed raw.

- You can’t get involved in people with low blood pressure. With “overdose,” they have a possible weakness, dizziness and even fainting.


* If you eat weed not from the garden, before cooking it is better to soak one hour in cold water. Then the greens will take nitrates. If you have time to soak, you can sprinkle the salad with lemon juice. Firstly, because food is better absorbed, and secondly, the acidic environment again neutralizes nitrates.

* Salads should be eaten immediately after cooking. In the refrigerator nitrates are converted into nitrites, and this is the real poison.


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