Friday, August 5, 2016


Many modern women inner thigh is one of the most problematic areas. But in order to improve the appearance of this part of the body should resort to regular exercise. You should hold classes at least three times a week, then the result will be clearly visible through after a month. In this article we will provide you with exercises that will help to make a beautiful inner thigh.

The first exercise. How to build inner thigh must be straight, feet should be shoulder width apart and the hands placed along the body. On the exhale should transfer the body weight on the right leg and bend the knee, inhale to return to starting position. Then repeat the same thing, but on the opposite leg. You should repeat the exercise 15 to 20 times for each leg.

The second exercise. You need to stand near the back of the chair and then shift your weight to the left foot and rise on toes. You need to make the right leg to swing up and to the right, and then up and to the left. Repeat this exercise to build inner part of the thighs twenty times and then change legs.

A third exercise. You should lie on your right side, while leaning on the elbow of the right hand. Then the left leg should be bent at the knee and foot to put over the right leg so your knee is facing up. A straight right leg you need to stretch and do a rocking motion up without touching on sex. This exercise to build inner part of the thigh, repeated forty times for each leg.

The fourth exercise. You need to get on your knees and hands placed on floor under shoulders. And then bent at the knee right leg to lift up and to the right, to do twenty reps. Then do the exercise to build inner part of the thigh, the opposite leg the same number of times.

The fifth exercise. Lie down on the floor and your hands placed along the body, then straight leg raise angle of 90 °. Then you need to do the motion of “scissors” for five minutes. Next, bend your knees and do the exercise to build inner part of the thigh “Bicycle”.

The sixth exercise. You must stand up straight, feet should be shoulder width apart and the hands lie on the thighs. Then go up on your toes, as you exhale sit down as low as possible by pulling your tailbone back. On the inhale you should stand up while holding on your toes. This exercise should be repeated fifteen or twenty times.

Another good train the muscles of the inner thigh jumping rope, running, walking stairs, Cycling, cross-country running. You just need to not be lazy and to use every opportunity to give their muscles auxiliary load, then you will get a beautiful line of inner thigh even faster.


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