Tuesday, August 30, 2016



Today I will tell you wonderful and the mask from hair loss, proven now more than one generation in our family.

After the birth, I terribly began to lose her hair.
Cried a bit, calmed down and started to think what to do.
I rushed to the pharmacy Vichy.Alemany, etc. - the money.
Was the wool Internet in search of saving money and was about to order one, but then call mom, I was in a panic trying to post their problem, and it is:
Yes, you don’t panic! Try his uncle’s mask, I remember how her hair fell and she was saved. Try it, and then we will see.And have a drink Leonurus.
That settled the matter.
Made a mask.After the first application the hair began to fall less, after the second application even less.for the third time the comb was clean and the bathroom too! And then the hair began to rise as the scrip was walking, a month later came the brush hair , the hair became stronger and took on a gleam.
So, the recipe for the mask:

main ingredients :
1) 1 tablespoon of onion juice( grate onion and squeeze the turnip)
2) 1 tablespoon of honey
3) 1 egg yolk
4) 1 -2 tbsp. spoon burdock oil.( the amount of oil can be increased if not enough, but usually this is enough)
It is quite liquid mass.
Apply it on the roots of the hair ( I apply the brush for coloring the hair), the remainder is distributed through the hair.The tips can optionally be lubricated with oil for food.Wear a shower cap, wrap it up with a towel and walk as 1 hour.Then wash off with shampoo.

Initially made 2 times a week for 2 weeks. Then to strengthen the result and hair growth - 1 time a week. The course lasted 2 months.

I wish you all health, beauty, and a lush head of hair!


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