Saturday, August 13, 2016

A useful exercise to remove fat from belly

Training will take approximately 10-20 minutes to perform a set of exercises every day. For a start, do 20 slopes of the body forward until parallel with the floor back. Hands can dangle along the body or fixed on the sides. Then do 20 laps of the hips, retracting during movement of the abdomen. Then follow a series of 10-90 jumps on two feet, imitating the motion of jumping rope. This is followed by alternating 10 jumps on both legs and 1 snooze following exercise.

Exercise 1. Vertical scissors

Lie on the floor put the palm of your hand under your buttocks, lower back press to the floor. Lift both legs up at a 90 ° angle, then slowly lower right foot down, leaving the left in its original position. Bring right leg up, do the same with your left leg, do 20 repetitions of exercises. Immediately stand up on your feet and perform a series of 10 jumps on two legs.

Exercise 2. “Climbers”

Take the emphasis for push-UPS - hands under shoulders, feet in socks. Lift right foot off floor and bend the knee. Quickly pull your knee toward your chest and return to starting position. Do the same movement with the left leg. Try not to bend at the waist down and will not reach the buttocks up. Repeat this movement 20 times and move on to the spotter.

Exercise 3. Fold

Sit on the floor, the hands rest on the floor behind the back. Quickly bring your knees to your chest, twisting force of the abdominal muscles. Movement occurs at the same time, the body tends to feet and the knees to the chest. Returning to the starting position, the legs should straighten, but to put them on the floor is not necessary. Repeat the movement 20 times, stand on your feet and do jumps.

Exercise 4. The leg lifts from a sitting position

Sit on a chair with a firm seat, carefully straighten up, pull your abdominals, hands grabbed the edge of the seat, legs bent at the knees, bring to chest. Do not tilt the case, work only with the abdominal muscles. Do 20 lifts


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