Saturday, June 4, 2016

15 wonderful uses of Basil

15 wonderful uses of a Basilica.

1. Raises the General tone, which is so important for us in the fall and winter, when we often start to fall into melancholy and sleep on the go.

2. Restores the gastro-intestinal tract. It stimulates digestion, allowing food to stagnate in the stomach.

3. Folk medicine recommends to use Basil as a sedative in the form of baths.

4. Drink the decoction for coughs (especially prolonged), headache, inflammation of the urinary organs.

5. The essential oil of Basil has antibacterial action.

6. In times of stress just a few drops of Basil essential oil in aromakuritelnitsy and the General condition greatly improved.

7. No less valid a healing oil for insomnia, migraines, loss of smell.

8. The essential oil of Basil relieves toothache, if you drop 1 drop of oil to ½ Cup of boiled water and use this rinse 4-6 times per day.

9. In diseases of the nervous system used a tea of Basil. 1 tablespoon crushed plant with stems and flowers pour 1 Cup boiling water, boiled for 5-10 min, insist 30 min. Taken at ¼ Cup 4 times a day before meals.

10. This same tea stops vomiting and relieves nausea.

11. If in the morning to drink a tea of Basil with honey in the afternoon will have plenty of new ideas, and the performance will not dry up until the evening.

12. Those who have motion sickness, you can chew a leaf of Basil and keep it in your mouth while traveling.

13. Indian pharmacists have proved that Basil enhances the body’s defense against free radicals that can lead to cancer.

14. The researchers recommend adding Basil into the food daily or at the earliest opportunity.

15. And don’t forget a few dry Basil leaves to put in a wardrobe. This not only guarantees a pleasant smell, but also protect clothes from moths.


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