The diet of the novice athlete.
You seriously decided to become the architect of your own body? Therefore, it is necessary to act according to plan. The process of formation of Constitution is based on three pillars: nutrition, exercise and lifestyle. Let’s start with food. More precisely, let’s talk about diet. Remember the main principle: to be consistent, gradual and persistent. We can do without the revolutionary reconstructions, they are not needed, and even harmful.
* In the first 5-6 weeks of regular training, gradually refrain from: confectionery, animal fats, bread and rolls made with white flour, Cola. Try to eliminate from your diet sausages and cured meats, canned and processed foods. Choose foods that allow you to get rid of feelings of hunger, to feel good and to work. Have protein in the form of lean meat, fish and seafood, eggs, poultry, milk and low-fat dairy products, legumes.
* The first 3 months of regular strength training, try to obtain from natural products about 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. Carbohydrates can be obtained from natural foods such as: cereals (except semolina and ground rice in them little good and bad carbohydrates galore), pasta made of white flour dark varieties, muesli, potatoes (preferably baked), vegetables and fruits. Be careful with the juices - lots of sugar. Useful and bread, yeast-free, grain or bran. Do not forget about the good fats: this is unrefined vegetable oil (olive, sunflower), fatty fish, nuts, and even a little bit of butter and (!) lard. All the fats you want to devote 20-22% of daily calories.
* Get used to split meals within the calorie content of their diet. If you stick to 3 meals a day, between Breakfast and lunch, treat yourself to second Breakfast. In a couple of weeks add another meal 1 hour before sleep - it can be 100 g low fat cottage cheese with nuts. Do not pay attention to slogans like: do Not eat after 6 PM. Long known that is illiterate archaic, as it is harmful for the muscles and for burning fat!
* Here’s what Michael says Klestov, chief physician of the national Team of Moscow and Moscow region on bodybuilding and fitness: Answering questions on the Internet, I often encounter such statements as, for example: “I decided to do body-building and bought so-and-so give?” or “what type of supplements I take - I decided to go to the gym…” the First 2-3 months of training - no food additives, only a good vitamin-mineral complex! First of all, you need to set your body on a normal diet for its flawless functioning and create a rational mode of the day. After 2-3 months of regular classes, arrange for himself a diet before and after workouts. Proceed from their goals. For example, if You are aiming to gain muscle mass, 30-45 minutes before a workout, you can take 15-25 grams of whey protein and after workout - serving of the gainer. If You are functioning at fat loss, it can be recommended before training 1-3 grams of L-carnitine, as well as 5-8 pills of BCAA and/or 1-2 teaspoons of glutamine. By the way, to weight can these supplements be combined. After another 3-4 weeks you can start to take in the morning, a serving of whey protein, and in another month - a portion of protein complex composition before bedtime. Thus, the total daily dose of protein will reach from 2 to 3 g per 1 kg of body weight, depending on your goals.
The amount of calories obtained from dietary supplements should not exceed 20-25% of the total daily calories. 6 months after start of regular training, you can already experiment with different types of food additives, depending on the goals you set for yourself. The principle of gradualism in the formation of the optimal diet is very important. The sharp change in eating habits not only effective, but also potentially dangerous to health.
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