Saturday, June 11, 2016

A guy and a girl went to the zoo

A guy and a girl went to the zoo.
And saw the monkey playing with his female. The girl said: What a romantic love story. When he went to the cage with the lions, they saw a lion sitting in silence, and his lioness lying a little further from him. She said: What a sad love story. Then the guy said to her, Drop them in an empty glass bottle and see what happens. When she threw the bottle, the lion jumped in fury and snarled, protecting his mate. Then he said, Now in a cage with monkeys. When she threw the bottle in the cage with the monkeys, the male ran away, leaving his mate to escape from the bottle. Then he said to her: do Not be deceived by the fact that people are in front of you.. There are those who deceive people with their fake feelings. And there are those that keep their feelings inside the hearts, wrapped with love!

Wisdom in the peak of her beauty… How many monkeys and how little lions.


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