Sunday, June 5, 2016

Active fat burners

Many people who strenuously exercise, take chemical fat burners. Then there are drugs that accelerate the metabolism, remove fat deposits from the body. Their use carries with it more questions associated with a list of contra-indications than positive effect. Another thing - natural products. They not only help fight excess weight, but also saturate the body with beneficial vitamins and minerals. They can be used not only for athletes and those people who are watching their figures. On natural products for weight loss we dwell.

1. Apple cider vinegar. Taken orally should only be a quality product. Apple cider vinegar for weight loss better to buy in vegan and organic stores. In the morning, on an empty stomach 20 minutes before Breakfast drink a glass of purified water with a teaspoon of vinegar and honey. With this product must be cautious people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer, gastritis, increased acidity). Apple cider vinegar cleanses the body of toxins, improves the breakdown and absorption of products.

2. Citrus. Due to high content in citrus fruits vitamin C normalizes the level of cholesterol in blood and improves digestion. Replace sandwich snacks a couple of juicy oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, add in green tea no sugar lemon and lime.

3. Ginger root is also a proven and powerful fat burner. Substances that are in the juice, improve digestion, increase metabolism and burn fats.

In order to prepare the miraculous ginger tea, grate on a small grater peeled ginger root (about 40-50 grams), add a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of lemon juice. Pour a liter of boiling water and allow to stand for about half an hour. Take ranging from half a Cup of ginger tea 20 minutes before meals per day, leading up to a liter during the day.

Remember, ginger has contra-indications associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

4. The chili pepper. This natural product helps to speed up metabolism, improve blood circulation, excretion of water and toxins from the body.
Add a bit of chilli pepper to main dishes, appetizers, sauces.

5. Spices, condiments and seasonings also contribute to the active fat burning. They, like chili pepper, accelerate metabolism, improve secretion of gastric juice, body cleansing, weight loss, the feeling of satiety.

As fat loss use in cooking main dishes Basil, Bay leaf, cinnamon, turmeric, red and black pepper, mustard, cloves, nutmeg and other “supplements”.

6. Black coffee helps to burn fat due to the caffeine included in its composition. It enhances the secretion of gastric juice, improves metabolism, has a diuretic effect, i.e. promotes excretion of fluids from the body. In any case it is impossible to replace black coffee full preemies and drink it more than 2-3 cups a day.

To enhance the fat burning effect of the drink, you can add a little cinnamon, vanilla or cardamom. For weight loss also drink a Cup of black coffee without sugar before exercise. Choose a quality chicory coffee.

7. Green coffee is 1 of the most popular fat burners. It hlorogenovu acid contained in the unroasted bean, has the effect of weight loss. It also increases metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins, breaks down fats in the gut. One of the disadvantages of green coffee is its taste and smell - a bit unusual, herbal. But is it an obstacle to patanatomy body?

8. Green tea.
This drink also contains caffeine. Like coffee, it helps speed the metabolism and cleanse the body. In addition, strong Cup of quality green tea gives energy and clarity of mind, promotes rejuvenation, and of course weight loss. This drink strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, has light toning and anti-inflammatory effect.


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