Friday, June 3, 2016

Almost a panacea

Almost a panacea…As the Chinese do.

Further, the text of the author. I have a rare time-honoured recipe that I want to share with you. This recipe from so many diseases. And he came to me quite by accident. We were with a friend at the exhibition of cosmetics. The whole day went. All very interesting. But were tired and decided to drink tea with sandwiches. A friend pulled out a thermos. Sit, drink. Next sat the woman. A friend offered her some tea. The woman did not refuse. Struck up a conversation. The woman tells us: you Girls are so young! Why do you need makeup! What we were surprised: We are young? Yes, we have a lot of sores! Before we could say any of the sores, as this woman told us all our problems: you have anemia and you have the pancreas. We opened their mouths: How did you know? - The language! And we just sat there and ate sandwiches.
It turned out that the woman from Voronezh, traditional healer. We began to consult how we should be treated. What the woman told us that recently returned from China, where he discussed with the doctors their situation - and in Russia, she wanted to take my kidney.
The Chinese ordered her to suck the garlic in the morning, until then, until the body recovers.
When we Wake up in the morning, we have a mouth mess. Finely chop the garlic clove, give it 5 minutes to soak, and then put in mouth and chase it with the saliva in your mouth, suck the juice. Saliva enters the bloodstream, cleans the blood vessels, the lymph. Strengthening the mouth, gums do not bleed. But in order to avoid mucosal edema, you should start with plates from the garlic cloves and slowly bring to a whole clove. Suck for about 30 minutes. Cake from garlic and spit out. To avoid odor, have Breakfast, brush your teeth, chew a grain of coffee, a sprig of parsley…

The healer reminded us of the words of Vanga: eat garlic While on earth, the earth will live. And he explained: many people believe that eating garlic in large quantities - enough for health. But for the most part they do this to whet the appetite, as all goes into the stomach. And when you suck the garlic, the juice, bypassing the stomach into the blood and cleans it.

This recipe I have not seen anywhere else. It is very effective. If you began to take to the influenza epidemic, it will save you from serious consequences. Who wants to restore their health, be sure with this recipe it is necessary to change the way of life. To abandon bad habits, at least from overeating, then it is effective on 100%.

I would say that in this recipe I believed immediately. Because I had anemia, I saw a lot of iron supplements. So, I cancelled it and started to suck the garlic in the morning. After a month I went to donate blood in the laboratory at the Institute Sklifosovsky. Imagine my surprise when I learned that hemoglobin I have 120 units! And before he never was above 86 units! Then did an ultrasound of the kidneys. My pyelonephritis is also gone!

Told this recipe to my friend who lives in the country. In her autumn-spring period starts barking cough (chronic bronchitis). A friend of mine started to suck the garlic and became a fan of this method. Because somehow, gradually cough was gone. She often had spasms of blood vessels, with which she has chenille lips, and she lay without motion, - all this she was not. From her husband and her kidney was a stone. The urine was bloody. Began to suck on garlic - urine became transparent, cleansed skin. To list all such cases of healing can be long. But with some perseverance, using a recipe, people achieve very good results.



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