Saturday, June 18, 2016


Exercise is good for classes in the morning in the output, as it requires a little of your time causes the body to tone, especially effective for the tummy and legs!

Take on the wall, not to lose.

-lower abs 3 sets of 10 times
-the upper press 3 sets of 10 times
-squats 3 sets of 10 times (one of them with the weight I squat with a child on the neck-10 kg)
-stand on the blades 1 min
-pressing from a lying position 2 sets of 15 times
-lunges 2 sets of 8 times
-wrap 3-5 minutes a day
-the bridge (30 sec-1 min)
-supine exercise scissors (1-1,5 min.)
a Bicycle lying on your back (head should be on weight and not on the floor)
-lying on your side lift both legs simultaneously (5-8 times on each side)
exercise the cat with the bench press (focus on elbows)
-jump rope jumping 50-70
-running in place as high as possible lifting your leg to the stomach
All exercises do in the morning, 30 minutes after drinking a glass of water with lemon. Breakfast an hour after workout.

On the night:
-lower abs 10 times
-the upper press 10 times
-relaxation of back muscles on the ball with dots

In addition, don’t forget to follow the diet and drinking water during the day!

Success on the way to a slim body!


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