Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Interesting about the cheese

Interesting about the cheese.

1. The effectiveness of the cheeses on our body strictly depends on the time of day. Early in the morning to 9-10 h cheese, figuratively speaking, is gold, it is absorbed more fully. Then the value of it drops significantly. After 10 to 12 hours and is already silver, from 12 to 16h - bronze.

2. Cheese contains large amounts of protein, mass fraction of protein in the cheese exceeds the protein content in meat,the proteins in the composition of the cheese are digested by the body 95%,cheese contains the essential amino acids that ensures a high biological value of the product,the cheese contains high level of calcium in
easily digestible form,cheese contains vitamins a, D, E, vitamins of group B.

3.Researchers have discovered the cheese, unlike other dairy products - yogurt or milk - the ability to protect teeth from decay by neutralizing the acidic environment in the oral cavity and thus restore the acid-alkaline balance.

4. Camembert should have along with a film of mold, and cheeses such as Dorogobuzh must thoroughly clean off the slime, and then, without removing the peel, cut and eat with her.

5. Cheese required in the diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers, and athletes in other people whose work is connected with great expenditure of energy. Nutritionists include cheese in the menu of tuberculosis, diabetes, and liver disease and biliary tract, anemia and bone fractures. It is recommended for small children and the elderly.

6. Best place for cheese storage - the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Cheese must be pre-wrapped in polyethylene film (bag) or put in sarnitsa. The ideal storage temperature - 5-8 °C.

7. The use of processed cheese due to the large number of minerals, first among which calcium and phosphorus. In addition, cheese contains protein, which is 40 % satisfies the daily body’s need for essential amino acids.

8.Use sausage cheese in a large number of casein (high quality protein), vitamins, phosphorus and calcium.

9. The most useful cheese produced in the Himalayas from Yak milk. Even scientists have confirmed that Yak milk contains large amounts of folic acid, which strengthens the heart muscle and slows the growth of cancer cells.


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