Friday, June 17, 2016


Wrinkles around the eyes appear among the first. But oil from wrinkles around the eyes will help to get rid of them.

1. Olive oil from wrinkles around the eyes is popular among health-conscious skin women. The most simple remedy for wrinkles around the eyes are normal compresses with olive oil. Just wet cotton pads in the oil and place on eyes for 10 minutes. After removing the compress, you can do a light massage with fingertips. If you add 50 g of olive oil vitamin E capsules, you get a mask from the oil of wrinkles around the eyes. This mask can be applied every night and keep it only need 5 minutes, and wash it is not necessary, simply wipe with a cloth.

2. Very few people know the effect of butter from wrinkles around the eyes. It is enough to anoint the upper and lower eyelids and leave to soak overnight. This oil not only from the wrinkles around the eyes, but also from the opportunities their education will relieve. On the basis of butter, you can prepare the cream. First you need to pour 100 ml of boiling water over chamomile and Linden flowers (½tbsp) and leave to stand, covered for 15 minutes, then drain. Take 2 tablespoons of this infusion and mix with 1 tablespoon solid butter. You can also add 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Then mix all ingredients until creamy. The cream of the oil from wrinkles around the eyes use every day before going to bed and lubricated his eyelids and the corners of his eyes.

3. Also widely used essential oil from wrinkles around the eyes. Such oils are characterized by high bioactivity, as getting them by cold pressing. Essential oil from wrinkles around the eyes more effective, because their molecules are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, taking care and nourishing it. For compresses can be used peach kernel oil, rose, almond and others.

4. An excellent remedy for facial wrinkles is sesame oil. It should heat up and grease the area where is dominated by wrinkles, leave it to soak for about an hour, and the remains remove with a paper towel.


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