Friday, June 17, 2016

Preparing medicines from aspirin

Preparing medicines from aspirin.

Take me to the wall, so as not to forget ✔

Applying it topically, you can help yourself with varicose veins, osteochondrosis, heel spurs, calluses and corns.


🌀 10 tablets of aspirin and grind into a powder.
🌀 Pour 250 ml of vodka.
🌀 To insist 1-2 days.
🌀 You get the suspension and tablet is completely dissolved.

Gauze cloth wetted in the solution and in the form of lotions applied to the soles of his feet, then wrap with polyethylene, so that the solution has dried, top wear socks, leave on overnight. Morning all removed, rinse the feet with water, wipe dry and lubricate the foot cream. The procedure to do every night.

* After the first procedure you will forget about your pain, and after 10 days of foot and heel painlessly cleansed of the hardened and densified skin. Just remove it with a sponge or brush for cleaning the feet, then smear with a fat cream.

* The same solution can be rubbed the sore spot with varicose veins, osteochondrosis, the pain also subsides.

* After the massage is useful to make this solution rubbing.


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