Monday, June 13, 2016


There are some products that cannot be re-exposed to heat, as this can lead to serious health problems. All that you have left after the next meal, you should put it in the refrigerator and that it is strictly forbidden to re-heat, use in a different way.

1. Spinach

Spinach is very good for the body, as it contains many useful vitamins and minerals. Especially love this kind of greens those who lead a healthy lifestyle and carefully monitoring food. Spinach, stewed in sour cream is one of the most popular dishes, perfectly combined with a side dish of rice or spaghetti, heat it again impossible.
Solution: for maximum benefit, we recommend to consume spinach in its natural form, adding to salads and smoothies, and cooked spinach can be used as a sauce or cold snacks.

2. Chicken

In the fridge of many Russians you can find dishes from chicken. It is a source of protein that is easily digested, and a variety of options for cooking chicken is amazing. But still, the chicken can’t re-heat, because this changes the structure of proteins, which in turn can negatively affect digestion.

Solution: boiled or baked chicken is perfect for lettuce and the remaining slices of toasted fillets or chicken cutlets, use cold for the sandwich.


Mushrooms - a product very difficult for the body, even it is not recommended for children under age four. However, we should not forget that mushrooms are a valuable source of vegetable protein, so if you limit your meat consumption, you have to include them in the diet, but without secondary heat treatment, which not only diminishes their use but also changes the nutritional composition. Such changes can cause stomach pain and bloating.

Solution: braised mushrooms recommend to use as a sauce for hot pasta or boiled potatoes, as well as just cold as a salad by adding, for example, chopped herbs.

4. Eggs

I agree that the egg is the product we heated not so often. But it is important to know that repeated exposure to high temperatures not only alter the taste, making eggs is not very appetizing, but also significantly affects the composition. The number of compounds included in the composition of eggs becomes toxic and can negatively influence health and even cause poisoning.

Solution: boiled eggs perfectly complement many salads, and even sandwiches, but the omelets and scrambled eggs it is better not to leave is immediately after cooking.

5. Potatoes

Extremely nutritious and loved by many the product, however, is reheated, lose most of their flavor and useful properties. That is why we advise you not to risk and to cook potatoes solely on 1 meals.
PS And for weight loss helps - mega strong minus 8-12 kg
Solution: the easiest way to re-use cold boiled potatoes, making it a salad, but fried potatoes and potato casserole - this dish 1 times.

6. Beets

1 vegetable, trapped in our today’s list is beets. Actually make, beet belongs to the unique products in the primary heat does not lose its useful properties, as well as tomatoes. But heating significantly affects the structure and composition of beets, which can cause serious health problems, especially with regular use of this product.

Solution: as for the soups based on beets, such as, for example, borscht, it would be best to cook in batches, but with boiled beets there are many recipes for salads. However, if you want to get the most benefit from this root, add the beets raw in salads, and in smoothies.

7. Celery

Many Housewives love to add celery steamed vegetables or soups. But when you re-heat treatment of the elements included in the composition of celery, and changes its structure and becomes carcinogenic. With the constant use of such food, there is a risk of serious diseases, so it is important to carefully monitor not only the foods you eat and how it is prepared.

Solution: a lot of cream soups on the basis of the celery are very tasty and cold, so be sure to try.


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