Monday, June 13, 2016

Lighten hair two or three tone using cinnamon:

Save yourself, should know about each ✔

Cinnamon is not only a fragrant spice, it is a safe alternative to lightening compounds, which not only will make your hair lighter, they will become more shiny, soft and silky to the touch. And they will smell incredible!

🔹 Make a mixture of cinnamon

In a medium bowl, mix a Cup of hair conditioner, 3 tablespoons of ground cinnamon and 1/3 Cup honey. Thoroughly mix the ingredients with a plastic or wooden spoon, to form a homogeneous mass. Do not use metal utensils - it can react with the our mixture.

🔹 Application

Wash your hair as usual with your favorite shampoo. When hair dries a bit, divide them into strands and comb wide-tooth comb. Apply the cinnamon mixture to the hair, try to carefully paint over each strand. Ensure that the cinnamon did not get on the skin, it is known that it may cause slight redness or irritation.RUB mixture into the scalp is not worth it.

🔹 The duration of

Put on a plastic cap or bag, wrap the hair with a towel. Keep the mixture on your head for about 30 minutes, then remove the towel - warm the hair don’t need anymore. Leave a cinnamon-honey mixture on hair for 3-4 hours. The longer the exposure time, the more intense the result will be.
After 3-4 hours wash the mixture with warm water.

🔹 Result

Your hair will become 2 shades lighter. The more you perform this procedure, the lighter will become your hair. In addition, wanting to lighten the hair two to 3 tones at once, add part 3 and 4 tablespoons of ground cinnamon.


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