Thursday, June 16, 2016


The island of Okinawa - the record for the number of centenarians. Average life expectancy for men in Okinawa is 88 years old, women - 92 years.
The secret of health and longevity record of residents of the Japanese Prefecture of Okinawa is the use of unique drinks based on turmeric.
Regular consumption of this drink will help to reduce the risk of cancer, heart attack and stroke.
In addition, since the first techniques you will feel cheerful and amazing burst of energy.
How to extend youth and heal the body?

Healing drink with turmeric and lime

Necessary ingredients:

- 1 Cup of boiling water

- ¼ Teaspoon of turmeric

- 1 teaspoon lime juice (or lemon)

- 1 teaspoon sugar

You need a quarter teaspoon of turmeric, pour boiling water and allow to steep for a couple of minutes. Add lime juice, sugar and mix. To enhance the useful properties of this drink you can add some dried ginger root.

Healing drink with turmeric, honey and milk

Necessary ingredients:

- a glass of warm milk

- ¼ Teaspoon of turmeric

- a teaspoon of honey

You need to fill turmeric with warm milk, cover and let stand for 5 minutes, then add honey.


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