The rice gives the opportunity for a long time not to feel hunger, due to the property of this herb to saturate the body. Rice also reduces the daily intake of fat and sugar, saving vital energy. This useful herb can rid the body of toxins, all the harmful substances and salt. Therefore, rice diet to cleanse the body is very useful and necessary.
This diet is suitable for people of any age, there are no restrictions on its use. Rice coats the stomach and is a helpful product for people suffering from various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Rice also necessary for the liver, kidney, it improves the functioning of the heart and other organs.
Options cleansing diet with rice:
1. This diet lasts for 3 days. Each day should eat 1 Cup of rice, pre-cook it without salt and spices. The resulting dish should be divided into equal portions and eat them throughout the day, drinking natural juice Apple or orange. More than three days to keep such a diet impossible. Repeat the procedure through the month.
2. Less rigid diet. Duration - 7 days. 1 day diet need to boil a pound of rice without salt to the dish you can add lean meat, stewed and fresh fruits, vegetables, boiled fish. During the day it is impossible for rice to add more than 200 grams of other products. You can drink natural juices, mineral water, green tea, but without sugar. Two weeks later the procedure can be repeated.
Buying rice for diet in the store, pay attention to raw cereals, as they contain large amounts of vitamins necessary for the body.
Rice diet for weight loss gives you the opportunity to get rid of a few extra pounds, but also helps excrete salts and slags. Throughout the diet, you should drink non-carbonated mineral water, natural juices without sugar and green tea. For the first time after the diet should limit the consumption of meat and milk.
Of course, this is not all - rice diet for weight loss are very multifaceted. Selecting the appropriate diet for you personally, don’t forget to protect yourself, consulting with a physician.
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