Saturday, June 18, 2016



The healing properties.

* Healing properties of Saskatoon explained the contents of many valuable substances in its fruits. Natural sugars in it to 12%; pectin, cellulose, dyes and tannins, organic acids, flavonols, catechins, anthocyanins, vitamins C and b, beta-carotene; minerals - iron, cobalt, copper, and other elements. Combinations of these substances have antioxidant properties, prevent cancer and help fight diseases of the Central nervous system.

* The use of Irga helps reduce blood levels of “bad” cholesterol, prevents the development of diseases of the liver and kidney, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

* Good to eat game and drink the juice of its fruits for the prevention of vascular diseases - varicose veins; vessels become more elastic and stronger.

* Juice of Saskatoon helps with sore throat, they gargle; purulent wounds heal faster if you put them in the juice-soaked bandage.

* Due to its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, the juice of Saskatoon useful for gastro-intestinal disorders, colitis and enterocolitis, therefore, often used as a dietary drink.

* Fresh berries shadberry useful at any age: they soothe and promote rapid sleep and even lower blood pressure.

* If stomatitis and periodontal disease helps rinse the mouth with decoction of the berries of amelanchier.

* The infusion.
Prepared as fresh and dried berries of amelanchier; dried berries should be in shade to retain all the nutrients.

Dried berries (1 tbsp) or fresh (10 tbsp)pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 min. Take in disorders of the stomach and intestines.
- Cold water. Dried fruit (2 tbsp) pour cold water and insist 8 hours. Then bring to a boil, but not boil, and insist another 2 hours. Take 2 times a day half an hour before meals, 100 ml - as multivitamin drug, problems with digestion and with the weakening of the night vision.

Fresh irgu, jam and puree of its berries and used as stuffing for pies - turns out the luxurious dish.


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