Friday, June 10, 2016

The cornerstone: pull-UPS

Pull - UPS- this is a power exercise in which an athlete overcomes the gravity of its own weight. Pull UPS are a basic exercise for developing back muscles and biceps, allowing for a short time to create the back of the coveted “V-shaped” forms (look at the figures of gymnasts). Unfortunately, often this exercise is too difficult for many athletes, especially beginners, and they replace it with lighter rods of the block for the head, chest, etc of Course, and it’s not bad, but the effect could be achieved with pull-UPS, would be so much more.

The advantage of pull-UPS is that they involve so many muscles, while other exercises focus only on specific muscles.

How to catch up?

Jump up and grasp the bar so that the eye away from themselves. Hands should be slightly wider than shoulder level. The trunk is fully extended, feet not touching the floor. Now, bending your elbow and shoulder joints, begin to pull yourself up until the bar touches the collarbone. If so deeply to catch up to you yet difficult, do the exercise up to touch the crossbar with his chin. On a straight bar can be used and reverse narrow grip - the focus will shift to the hands (biceps, shoulder). Can be used and joined together, each arm (like thrust block), placing them at the required height - grip at the same time will narrow minimum, and the load will be primarily hands on.

If you find it hard to correctly and accurately do this exercise yourself (because of great weight or for other reasons), ask a friend to help you in the initial phase of the movement. May he support you from behind the legs, and will give a further upward movement. The downward movement in this case, perform very slowly, resist, don’t fall limp lump! If hands do not stand up and straighten, you can strengthen them through daily visov on the bar for 5-7 minutes. Take ahold of it and hang for as long as you can. Helps to strengthen grip and also holding the rod at arm’s length (as in the deadlift).

Advanced bodybuilders can weight yourself the task of hanging to the belt for additional load. To catch up this will become much harder. The optimum number of repetitions in one approach about 10. If you were able to catch up 10 times independently, it is possible to think of additional weights.

Many do pull-UPS in the following way: instead of a smooth rise up and make a sharp jerk’s torso, bend the knees and would throw himself to the bar. This is due to the fact that athlete is just not strong enough to be tightened correctly, or he was tired (at the end of the approach). In any case, this kind of “cheating”, which should be avoided. Let 2 times, even 3, but it is better to perform the exercise correctly, than 10 times with “cheating”. Its efficiency will be higher.

When to perform pullups?

Pulling is best done in the early training of the muscles of the back, complementing them these exercises like thrust rod (or) in the slope to the belt, pull the T-rod. In principle, it is possible to do without additional exercises for back muscles, if tight and “soul” to work on pull-UPS. And in training weightlifters and powerlifters, this is probably a required exercise from a utility that needs to be present along with the “base”. Include it in your workout instead of the thrust block and other things, and after a short time you will feel the difference!


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