Monday, June 13, 2016

Therapeutic and healing jelly

My colleague wanted to quickly lose weight and decided to resort to the old folk recipes. She began to prepare a variety of jellies. Two weeks later, I saw her thin and younger.

Every night, instead of dinner, saw the jelly - oatmeal, milk, raspberry, and even citrus. And here is the result!

I maybe wouldn’t pay this fact any attention - a few diets in the world! But when another friend of mine, suffering from liver disease, told me that due to Apple Kisel almost recovered, involuntarily thought. And remembered fairyland with milk but milk and honey!

-Cleanses, vitamins supplies.

PS And for weight loss helps - mega strong minus 8-12 kg
Thinking it through, I realized that nothing surprising happened. Part of the jelly of starch is able to absorb and excrete not only salt but also other harmful substances. This is especially useful when obesity, osteoarthritis, hypertension, renal failure, liver disease, clogged with cholesterol plaques vessels of the heart, poorly healing skin diseases, even in malignant tumors.

Jelly is a great cleanser. And if to it to add natural berries and fruits, it will contain the necessary human vitamins. Jelly have a strong shielding effect, so they are useful to drink at chronic inflammatory processes. They are nutritious, cheap and easy to prepare. This is an excellent means of recuperation for people weakened by chronic illnesses, undergoing surgery. And finally, jelly is delicious.

Hercules has weight.Most popular - oat-milk pudding.

He prepares so. Cereal “Hercules” should be diluted with cold milk and leave to swell (per 100 g of cereal - 2 cups milk). When the grits swell, the milk filtered through a strainer and put on fire. And in boiling, carefully add, while stirring, tablespoons of starch and honey (or sugar) to taste.

Easy to prepare and the milk pudding : in a saucepan pour in 3 cups of milk, boil. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of starch in a glass of water and add the milk, stirring carefully. Simmer on low heat for another 3-5 minutes. Then put honey or sugar.

Oatmeal-milk and dairy kissels useful when ulcers stomach and duodenal ulcers. It is recommended to drink daily glass within a month.

Ulcer of stomach and duodenum it is useful to regularly drink and jelly from the hips : 2 tablespoons dried crushed hips, pour three cups of water, put on fire and simmer under a lid for 10 - 15 minutes, cool and strain. Then in the warm water dissolve 2 tablespoons of starch and honey (or sugar) to taste and pour, stirring, broth hips. When cooking the jelly in the water it is better to pass it through the filter.

Very useful raspberry jelly. In the summer it is cooked fresh, and in winter - dried berries must be boiled in 2 cups water for several minutes 2 tablespoons dried raspberries, then cool slightly, strain and pour vigorously stirring, into a container, putting it in a dessert spoon of starch.

Citrus jelly is made with juice of lemon or orange. In 2 cups of boiling water squeeze the juice from half of a lemon or of one orange, add sugar to taste. In a glass or enameled container, place tablespoons of the starch divorced small amount of water and pour it in the citrus mix.


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