Tuesday, June 14, 2016

15 challenges to cope rosemary


15 challenges to cope rosemary.

What will allow rosemary essential oil?

1. Perfectly stimulates the brain cells responsible for memory. The scent of rosemary was always like researchers, clerks and students, because it helps to remember not only numbers and names, and foreign words.

2. Belongs to a class of soft scents and an aphrodisiac.

3. A powerful stimulant of the immune activity of the organism.

4. Beneficial effect on the organs of the digestive system, it is able to not only fight inflammation, but to work as a choleretic agent.

5. It is used for problems with the respiratory tract, acts soothes and relieves cough.

6. Regulates the circulatory system and heart muscle, and normalizes blood pressure. The ability of rosemary to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and provide anti-sclerotic effect.

7. Acts as a natural analgesic. It is recommended to RUB the forehead, temples and neck to relieve the headache pain associated with a stressful situation. Indispensable use for massage.

8. Restores the protective forces of the body and increases its endurance.

9. Relieves pregnant women of nausea in the mornings (not to use more than 5 drops at once, and you can inhale the fragrance from the bottle).

10. Effective treatment for dystonia, it can be used to improve cerebral blood circulation, get rid of eyestrain and even improve visual acuity. Rosemary deduces from faint with dizziness.

11. Eliminates insecurity, suspiciousness, and excessive shyness. The use of this oil is shown in post-stress therapy quickly returns the joy of life, reducing psychological problems.

12. Helps after strenuous exercise, relieves pain of tired muscles. With it easier to perform all the stretching exercises.

13. Reduces high secretion of oily skin, reduces pores and smoothing skin relief.

14. Gets rid of scars, shown with abrasions and acne, has a pronounced anti-cellulite action.

15. If you want to quickly and efficiently to sunbathe, take rosemary oil orally (1 drop of oil per Cup of liquid).


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