Wednesday, March 16, 2016

6 recipes for a quick snack:

1. Parfait
This is my favorite snack recipe that can be prepared at home and bring in a Cup with a lid. In addition, the parfait can be found in many cafes. For cooking you need granola or muesli, yogurt, honey, fruits and berries.

At the bottom of the glass, pour the yogurt, then a layer of granola to pour honey. Pour on top of sliced fruit or berries. When I was making a parfait with me to work, I often used frozen berries. They can pour into a glass, and by the time when you will be certainly hungry, they will melt, but will not lose shape, after a quick defrost.

This is a very good snack after a long run, especially if you weren’t running out of the house, and to a normal dinner, we still live.

2. Muesli bar
After I had carefully reviewed the study, where sugar in muesli bars was counted in the sticks of chocolate “kit-Kat”, I buy them to stop: they are preparing the house for 15 minutes, taste much better and wrapped in paper for sandwiches, are traveling with me in my bag almost every day.

You will need a Cup of oatmeal (not quick cooking, and minimally processed - it is recognizable by its round flattened shape and outrageously cheap), an egg, half a Cup of juice or yogurt, honey, nuts and dried fruits.

Mix and whisk the egg and yogurt (or juice). Fold in the oatmeal and mix well. Add the dried fruit and nuts, put into a small square and place in oven at 180C for 20 minutes. Cool and cut into bars.

3. Chocolate milk
Favorite recovery drink runners can prepare for the day: chocolate milk is never too early or late.

You will need a glass of milk, ⅕ of the tile of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%, a pinch of nutmeg and a pinch of red pepper. In a ladle or small pan break the chocolate slightly and pour the milk so it was closed. Stir and heat until the chocolate is melted and add the rest of the milk. Pre-heat the entire mixture but not boil it. Add the nutmeg and pepper. Pour into Cup and enjoy. You can add honey or sugar if you like sweet drinks.

4. Toast with peanut butter and jam is a timeless classic helps when you need a quick snack to something more substantial than an Apple. Just spread on the toast 1 peanut butter, on the second jam and put them together. The combination of sweet and salty on a crispy toast is insanely delicious. So don’t get carried away!

5. Smoothies
Smoothies can be made from anything, they can be light or hearty, vegetable or fruit. If you want something light, but not very high in calories, choose vegetables: celery, avocado, greens can be supplemented with green Apple. A fruit smoothie is a source of quick energy, they are good to do from banana, adding something fresh and juicy like grapes, apples and pears, citrus or my favorite option - mango. If you add a handful of oatmeal or granola, you’ll have a smoothie with fast and slow carbohydrates - what you need to have a snack before a run.

6. Balls of dried fruit
They look like candy, to live long in the fridge and help out if necessary. You will need dried fruit, and limit yourself to dried apricots and prunes not necessarily - there are still figs, dried cherries, dates and many other things. Add nuts if you want. Dried fruits should be washed and grind in a blender to a homogeneous mass. Then form balls with hands, which then need to roll, for example, sesame seeds, cocoa powder, coconut flakes or ground nuts. My favorite is figs with almonds and coconut.


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