Sunday, June 5, 2016

Ancient healing tips

- A good remedy for enlarged spleen - infusion of yarrow and calendula. Mix 50 grams of these herbs and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Close the lid and leave to infuse at room temperature until cool. Drink a glass 2 times a day until complete recovery.

- Relieves headache with garlic milk. Crush or finely chop 10 cloves, pour 50 ml of milk, bring to boil and simmer 5 minutes. Allow to cool slightly, strain and 5-10 drops of the broth drip into one ear. Hold a minute and tilt your head so the liquid drains. Then repeat the same procedure with the other ear. Do so until then, until the headache passes.

- In painful menstruation apply chamomile. Pour a glass of boiling water
1 tbsp. l. dried flower, after cooling strain and take 0.5 cups 3 times a day.

From eczema since ancient times people have been solved using the ashes of plants. Istopic stove aspen wood, it is necessary to sift the resulting ash, mix with butter or pork fat and lubricate sore spots. Similarly applied, and the ashes of the grass of chicory, mixed with rustic sour cream.

- Suffering from BPH will allow infusion of the herb Wintergreen. Pour a glass of boiling water 1 tbsp of raw insist 2 hours. Then strain and drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.
From osteochondrosis, too, have grandma’s recipe: mix ½ Cup of vodka and honey, ¾ Cup finely grated radish and 2 tbsp salt. Twice a day to use the composition for rubbing and ingestion [1 tsp before meals). After 2-3 days the pain passes.

- Hypertension stir in a Cup of yogurt 1 tsp of cinnamon. Take 3 times a day for 10 days.

- To restore the immune system to make juice from dandelion flowers, passing them through the grinder (mass press). To use 30 minutes before meals for 1 tablespoon 3 times a day during the week. To juice is not spoiled, to add 1 teaspoon of alcohol.

- To recover from a stroke: 1 litre of olive oil a bit of heat, add to it 50 g of thyme, put in a water bath for 2 hours, then leave for 12 hours. Strain and store in the refrigerator. Every evening, RUB the composition into the region of the spine, from the tailbone and ending with the cervical vertebrae, as well as rubbed into numb body parts.
The pressure is normal.
Can’t eat anything salted, smoked. No sausages, no pickles, no canning. Also avoid fat, sauces, salty cheeses, cocoa (sodium salt). You should eat cheese, milk, fruits, vegetables, cereals. At home, you can reduce pressure without medication.

- 2 weeks to sharply restrict salt (5 g per day) and 2 times in a week to arrange fasting days eat rice, which contains potassium. Rinse 1 Cup of dry rice, fill with water overnight, in the morning rinse again with the whole day and eat only rice.

- Diet for 2 weeks: low-fat yogurt, fish, vegetables.

- Brisk walking at 2 steps per second - 30-40 minutes a day. Dilate blood vessels, decrease the weight and pressure.

- Animal fats are replaced by vegetable.

- To sit on a chair, close your eyes and quietly RUB your palms until they become hot. To apply them to closed eyes for 5-10 minutes. To do so morning and evening, to fight stress.

1 more tip. Before bed, stand in the tub and pour myself out of the shower from neck to toe, but do not direct the jet at the region of the heart. Then - straight to bed. You will sleep soundly, and all the stress will go away.


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