Make sure that the following drugs are not in your home medicine Cabinet.
The list of drugs whose effectiveness has not been proven:
Make sure that they are not in your home kit:
1. Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Solcoseryl - medications that are proven ineffective!
2. Arbidol, Anaferon, Bioparox, Viferon, Polyoxidonium, Cycloferon, Ercefuryl, Immunomax, Likopid, Isoprinosine, Primadophilus, engistol, Imudon - immunomodulators are of unproven effectiveness. Are expensive. The studies do not give reason to consider Arbidol as a drug with proven in testing activity for the treatment of colds, including influenza. Researchers from abroad really this drug is not interested.
3. Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, Linex, hilak Forte, Primadophilus etc. are all probiotics. The diagnosis of “dysbiosis” without exception exhibited by our pediatricians , anywhere in the world no longer exists. The purpose of prebiotics in developed countries are treated with caution.
4. Validol. Mints that are distantly related to medicine. Not bad freshens breath. Feeling pain in the heart that a person puts under the tongue validol mandatory in such situations nitroglycerine and went with a heart attack in the hospital.
5. Vinpocetine Cavinton and. Today for use not recommended: not a benign one study clinically significant effects it is not revealed. This substance is derived from the leaves of the plant Vinca minor. The drug is poorly understood. Therefore, in the United States and many other countries, applies to dietary SUPPLEMENTS, not drugs. $15 a jar a month. In Japan withdrawn from sale because of the apparent inefficiency.
6. Nootropil, Piracetam, Fezam, Aminalon, Fenibut, Pantogamum, Pikamilon, Instenon, Mildronate, Cinnarizine, Mexidol - placebo drugs.
7. Vobenzim. Manufacturers claim that it heals, prolongs life and youth. It is not necessary to believe in the fairy tale about the miraculous drug that has not been tested in experimental studies, because it is expensive. Pharmaceutical companies are investing hundreds of millions of dollars in drug tests, even if there is little hope that they will be able to prove its effectiveness. We can only guess why these studies regarding wobenzyme not done so far. But a lot of money invested in its advertising.
8. Glycine (amino acid), TenTen, Anarion, St. John’s wort preparations, Grippol, a Polyoxidonium - a drugs with unproven efficacy.
9. The drug - the drug is not proven to be effective in SARS. Erespal in syrup is contraindicated in patients with bronchial asthma and allergies. Because it contains colorants and honey flavor may itself provoke bronchospasm.
10. Geelix - effectiveness in SARS in children, and in adults, has not been proven.
11. Dioxidine - contraindicated in children because of the high toxicity. Very cautiously prescribed for adults with the disease of the nose and paranasal sinuses. With ear infections with caution if you damage the eardrum.
12. Bioparox, Qudesan not been large studies, all articles in Pubmed, mainly of Russian origin. The studies were conducted mainly on mice.
1. Aqua Maris (sea water)
2. Apilak - BAD with unproven efficacy.
3. Novo-passit. For simple tinctures from herbs is expensive. While promoting your product manufacturer actively used the individual key experts and clinicians.* Marketed as anxiolytic - psychotropic drug, overwhelming anxiety, fear, anxiety, emotional tension. Part of Novo-passit is the complex liquid extracts of medicinal plants (Valeriana officinalis, Melissa officinalis, Hypericum perforatum, Crataegus monogyna, incarnate of Passiflora (passion flower), hops ordinary, black elderberry) guaifenesin. What the guaifenesin is attributed to the anxiolytic effect of the drug. Meanwhile, the guaifenesin is the only mucolytics and not can have actions attributed to the drug. However miss a little sleep before the stitches - never hurt anyone…
4. Omacor - BAD.
5. Lactosan - BAD.
6. Tserebrum compositum (heel GmbH), Newrochelle, Valerianka, Gepar - compositum, Traumeel, Diskus, Kanefron, Lymphomyosot, Mastodinon, Mucosa, Ubiquinone, Goal T, Echinacea, Flu-Hel - homeopathy. Not being drugs, medical action does not have have placebo - effect, i.e., the reaction of expectations to the application.
7. Protargol is a drug containing silver. Silver refers to substances hazard class And along with lead, arsenic and mercury. In fairness, in protargol tiny amount of silver. Not recommended for the treatment of rhinitis in children.
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