Tuesday, June 7, 2016



1. Dried apricots - as a nutrient and tonic remedy is recommended in menopause, pregnant women with edema, cardiac arrhythmias, and hypertension. Dose: 100-150 grams per day.

2. Uterine bleeding during menopause, heavy and painful menstruation, and when scarce or absent, can be treated with daily intake, 1-2 cups, tea from the flowers of the red clover.

3. When the menstrual cycle, pain, tea with Linden flowers is simply irreplaceable. Women after 45 years to once every six months during the month in the morning to drink a Cup of Linden tea, and menopause can not be afraid: it will come much later than that of peers, and be without pain, without bleeding. Tumors of the female genital sphere (fibroadenoma, fibroids) is also treated Linden tea. For this purpose, you need to collect lime color only on the very young month is 1 - 2 days, then the color is going to lose the antitumor effect. To drink constantly. All the therapeutic properties of lime increase if you add 1:1 sage.

4. The leaves, flowers and seeds of nasturtium. If there is weakness, case of nerves, all annoying, melancholia and depression appear suddenly. The leaves and flowers can be dried, grind seeds in a coffee grinder and use wherever you use salt and spices. By the way, very useful and men.


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