Friday, June 3, 2016


For care skin rose oil is good to add to any natural and homemade cosmetics. It can be hand-made creams, masks, lotions or tonics.
From page Recipes of masks you’ll find various recipes of traditional cosmetics, and picking up the most suitable for your skin, add to the composition of the essential oil of rose. (For some of the skin especially recommended rose oil, see above).
The approximate proportions adding rose oil is 2-3 drops in 1 cream, or face mask, and about 10 drops on 1 glass of tonic or lotion.
To the oil was to measure out drop by drop, it should be kept at room temperature.

Again, as you probably already know, in home care for face can be used not only natural masks and creams, and vegetable oil.
From page Cosmetic oils you will find detailed information about the most common types of such oils, and, of course, about the ways of applying them. So here in these oils, too, can (and should) add the rose essential oil, about 2 drops in 1 tablespoon of oil. And then the resulting mixture or use as a facial mask or cream for the face and for the skin around the eyes.

Now a little about the use of rose oil in skin care around the eyes:
Similarly, you can add it to creams and masks for the skin, recipes you’ll find from the page the skin Care around eyes.
Do not add more than 2 drops of essential oil of rose 1 part of a cream or mask for eyelids.

And finally about the use of rose oil for skin diseases:
For example, if you have herpes on the lips, effectively it will lubricate a small amount of pure rose essential oil 3-4 times a day.
Psoriasis, eczema, allergic dermatitis, and neurodermatitis this oil will mix well with the ointments recommended for the treatment of these skin diseases. 1 single portion of ointment is taken 1 drop of oil of rose.

Cautions: Like all other essential oils, rose oil should not be used to the facial skin in its pure form, because it can provoke very unpleasant reactions of the skin. Therefore, its use is permissible only in mixtures with other cosmetics.
It is also highly desirable use rose oil during pregnancy.


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