🔸on 100gramm - 156.4 kcal🔸Proteins - 8.3🔸Fat - 3.56🔸Carbohydrates - 11.2🔸 Ingredients: -300 grams of flour -2 tsp. baking powder -50 g sugar Vanillin on a knife tip -2 eggs -100 g butter (room temperature) -400 g curd 0% fat (the cheese should not be greasy and soft) -125 gr sugar Vanillin at the tip of a knife or better vanilla extract for baking -250 ml cream ( I 5%) -Blueberries ( I use floor liter jars of...
Friday, September 30, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Conduct detox and purify the body
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comGuide detox, and you will see the health benefits.Make softwareProgram duration - 4 days. At this time you eat foods that cleanse the body well. This:- vegetables;- fruits;- Fig;- juices.First day: vegetablesOn this day, it is them. It can be: young carrot, cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, radish, radish, turnip, rutabaga, etc. - any vegetables that you like. You can eat them in natural form, to chew just....
We select oils for immunity
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comSelect the oil for immunity.Aromatic plants are used since ancient times as protection against infectious diseases. During epidemics of plague, which seized the whole of Europe from the middle ages to the late 17th century, people who worked with aromatic plants or oils, escaped the plague, while all the others around them died. To protect yourself and loved ones out of your house during the epidemic, place a few drops...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comDecoction of onion peel effectively used as an expectorant, laxative, diuretic, choleretic, antispasmodic, vitamin, antimicrobial, vessel-strengthening tool.Tortured frequent sore throats?Onion peel pour boiling water, strain and use for rinsing.Rhinitis (allergic and colds)?In boiling water add 4 tablespoons of chopped onion skins and breathe over the steam for 3-5 minutes.Cough?Pour 2 tablespoons of the husks 2 cups...
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Cocktail of beauty 🍹
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comA refreshing drink especially good for us with you, ladies! So many nutrients in it that can rightfully call it a cocktail of beauty, and it’s actually true!If you have not sold ready-made from the whey of milk, then cook it yourself.PREPARATION OF SERUM - 1:To a liter of boiled or pasteurized milk, warmed to lukewarm, add 1 tablespoon sour cream or yogurt, cover clean marlechkoy and leave in a warm kitchen for about...
- When mild age spots try to wipe your hands of Apple or wine vinegar, and yogurt, mayonnaise, sour cream When mild age spots try to wipe your hands of Apple or wine vinegar, and yogurt, mayonnaise, sour cream.Mask lemon-yolk. Vigorously mix 25 g of almond oil, 5 g of honey, 1 raw egg yolk and the juice of one lemon. Apply the mixture on your hands, wear cotton gloves mask and hold for 3 to 4 hours.Mask potato. Peel two boiled potatoes in their skins and mash them with two teaspoons of cucumber or lemon juice. Warm mass...
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Healthy recipes FOR the HEART AND blood VESSELS FROM LEMON
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. 100 grams peeled garlic, grind and pour juice of 6 lemons. Mix everything and put in a jar, close the gauze.Store in a cool place.Take 1 teaspoon with warm water (preferably thawed).2. 8 lemons, 400 g of garlic, 4 kg of celery (leaves and roots), 400 g of horseradish mince, put in a jar, close the gauze to withstand 12 hours in warm (30°C), place in the refrigerator for 3 days.Squeeze the juice and drink 1 teaspoon...
4 exercises that the woman is recommended when she is nervous, depressed or tired
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. The Plow pose: Lie on your back. Raise your legs up and cross them behind your head. Keep the legs straight, the heels together and the toes reach to the floor. Pull both hands to the toes. Hold this pose for 5 minutes. Then slowly lower the spine back onto the floor vertebrae by vertebrae. Slowly place your feet on the floor, arms along the body.2. Camel pose: Sit on your heels. Grab hands behind your heels and lift...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comFlax seed for weight loss is an inexpensive, but extremely effective and useful tool for getting rid of extra pounds. In addition, strengthens the immune system, acquired a healthy and soft skin is cleansed digestive system.Usually flax seeds to get rid of extra pounds are used in various infusions and decoctions.1 tablespoon of flax seed pour 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 8-10 hours. Make a remedy should...
10 secrets to attracting money
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Always keep clean the kitchen and hallway. Wealth does not come to a dirty house.2. The purse should be red.3. You can’t spend the money on the first day, when you get paid. Put them in a place where You keep your money always. Begin to spend the following day gradually.4. Do not put in wallet, nothing more. This is a place for money and credit cards. You cannot store pictures, coupons and notes in the wallet.5. Bills...
Monday, September 26, 2016
Radical diet
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comRadical diet.Duration - 14 days.Loss in weight up to 20 kg.Difficulty - 4 points (on a five-point system).Adaptation - 2-3 days.This diet is quite effective and lasts for two weeks. Be patient - it you really need. Without the consent of a doctor is not recommended. The entire diet must distribute 4 meals: this morning; at lunch; 3-4 p.m.; evening (no later than 18 hours); you can drink only water - drinking or mineral.💧First...
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Purify the body and skin
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comPurify the body and skin.Already half of the course, pure skin, 100% free from acne. Soft and perfectly delicate skin of the entire body like silk!You will forget about constipation! Say goodbye to the toxins, which until that time, gave volume to the stomach! Stop aching! And no sweating!1. Buy at the pharmacy birch tar and pipette.2. When you go to bed, on a small piece of bread dripping 5 drops of birch tar, chew...
Morning gymnastics A set of exercises morning exercises: 15-20 seconds of walking in place, raising their knees high. The first 4 steps - breath, the second 4 steps - exhale. His hands raised upwards, leads back straight, with an elongated sock leg. After that, the leg bend in front of him and pulled up with hands knee-to-chest, head down, as low as possible. Then all the same we make with the other leg. Perform each leg 3-5 times; Arrange...
Saturday, September 24, 2016
What to cook for Breakfast Cottage cheese casserole This dish will be the perfect start of your day. Baked cottage cheese pudding is made with eggs, sugar, semolina and cottage cheese, so it is very satisfying. The main thing after such a meal - not to sit still, as it is high in calories. If time allows take a couple of stops to work on foot. Baked apples Baked apples are very tasty. But when they are stuffed with rice, raisins and nuts, it...
What can you make from the juice of Kalanchoe
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThat can be prepared from the juice of Kalanchoe.To cut off escapes, rinse and place on 5-7 days in the fridge. Then chop, squeeze the juice and filter. Store at temperature not exceeding 10 °.Solution for inflammatory eye diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis).Dilute up to 1:1, moisten a cotton pad and apply to eyelids for 10-15 min. up to five times a day.In the same way you can treat stomatitis and periodontal disease.Ointment...
Friday, September 23, 2016
Massage the edges of the feet will eliminate back pain
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comOn the edge of the foot projected all the problem areas of the back. They canto detect by feeling for tender points. Thanks to a unique massage technique on the foot, you can find the whole spine.Sit on the floor in a comfortable position and cross your legs. Now take your feet in hand, as shown in the photo. Take a look and imagine the line of the spine, which is between the thumb and the heel, on the inner edge. This...
Lemons against cancer
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comLemons against cancer.Lemon is an awesome product that can kill cancer cells. It is 10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy! It is believed that it is very harmful for all kinds of cancer. Even lemon is considered as an antimicrobial factor against bacterial infections and fungi, internal parasites and worms.This information is obtained as a result of more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970 and showed the following...
Thursday, September 22, 2016
If you are concerned about your liver, you live in unfavorable environmental conditions, often get sick
Unknown7:21 PMabout, concerned, conditions, environmental, liver, often, regular, unfavorable
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http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIf you are concerned about your liver, you live in unfavorable environmental conditions, often get sick…Then this recipe might be valuable to you.The prepared recipe mixture breaks down fats (especially around the liver), reduces appetite, diuretic, antiviral, antifungal properties, gives you the opportunity to lose a couple extra pounds, strengthens the immune system, cleanses, dissolves kidney stones and gall bladder,...
Best herbal teas for weight loss: 10 recipes!
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIn this article we will tell you about the most popular types of tea that can help anyone wishing to lose the hated kilograms.1. Nettle teaIn this tea, which has a healing effect on anemic patients, contain vitamins (C, K, B12, A) and calcium. It is recommended to take while on a diet. It also helps to fight several diseases such as rheumatism, diabetes, ulcers, kidney stones. Tea can also improve the immune system,...
Soy diet
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comSoy - food product, very useful. For this reason, soy diet - type diet, full of benefits and free from the problems of food unlike other diets in which to lose weight, a person lacks nutrients needed for proper body function.Soy diet, you can lose up to 5 pounds in 1 month, but it is recommended to run it for two weeks, take a break for a few days and continue it for two more weeks before the end of the month.Sample...
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
7 masks for a face-lift
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comNo. 1 Egg-proteinEgg whites have long been used in homemade masks for the face lift. They increase the elasticity of the skin and contribute to a virtually instant facelift. Mix the following ingredients together: 1 egg white, ½ tsp oil of vitamin E and a few drops of lemon or orange juice. Massage movements apply the mixture on the skin. This mask can also apply on the neck and décolleté. Rinse after drying with warm...
Chinese beauty mask made with honey starch and salt, which nourishes, evens skin tone, visibly reduces the appearance of age spots
Unknown7:15 PMappearance, beauty, chinese, evens, honey, nourishes, reduces, regular, spots, starch, visibly, which
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http://medicine-art.tumblr.comChinese beauty mask made with honey starch and salt, which nourishes, evens skin tone, visibly reduces the appearance of age spots.Ingredients:- 1 teaspoon of honey (preferably liquid)- 1 teaspoon of starch- 1 teaspoon of saltHoney and starch to mix to a uniform whitish color. Add a teaspoon of crushed sea salt (it can be replaced with ordinary iodized salt). It is kneaded.If the skin is hypersensitive or very dry, then...
Porridge for thyroid
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comPorridge for the thyroid gland. 🍜…For a long time I had to be treated from dysfunction of the thyroid gland. It was treated in different ways, achieved many things, I began to feel, as it is now misleading, almost healthy, and I think that in many ways helped me special porridge, which is very beneficial not just for the thyroid, and the digestive tract.■ You need to take 100 g of kernels of buckwheat, 1 teaspoon turmeric,...
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Struggling with cellulite, stretch marks and sagging! Regular use of household masks, has a positive effect on the skin, tightens the contours, revitalizes and rejuvenates. For best effect, use the mask after visiting baths or saunas. Or apply after the bath. The main thing to keep your body clean and steamed. So let’s look at the most popular and effective masks designed to care for body skin: 🌺Honey, to cleanse and soften On a clean, steaming the body apply a thin layer...
10 Reasons to eat Breakfast in the morning
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com10 Reasons to eat Breakfast in the morning. 🍕1. For the brainMorning nutrition is necessary for our brain to better focus attention and remember information.2. For immunityAs proved by research, people who do not eat Breakfast, less exposed to stress and has a stronger immunity than people who refuse to morning meal.3. For securityAccording to statistics, people who regularly lunch, less likely to get into a car accident.4....
The best sedative
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Venlaxor - antidepressant with virtually no side effects quickly removes from severe depression.2. Buspiron - strong antianxiety agent, does not create the effect of inhibition. It is possible to apply to drivers and students before the exam.3. Gidazepam - mild sleeping pill that does not affect the reaction of the driver. But you get used to it - more than a month can not drink!4. Zyprexa - has serious side effects,...
Monday, September 19, 2016
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comMEDICINAL COMPOSITIONS FOR IMPROVING VISION. - Mix equal parts fresh blueberries and raspberries. By the way, the blueberry is considered one of the best remedies to improve eyesight - eat it without restrictions. - Pour boiled water from purified water 3 teaspoons roots (chopped) swamp sweet flag and allow the composition to infuse for half an hour. Drink a quarter Cup three times a day. - Take in throughout the day...
A Treasury of useful recipes for the common cold 🍃 1 tablespoon of chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water and insist in heat 5 hours. Stir, strain and instilled into the nose 3 times a day. 🍃 3 tbsp chopped onion pour 50 ml of warm water, add ½ tsp of honey, infuse for 30 minutes. Obtained the means to bury your nose 3 times a day. 🍃 The onion and crush the garlic. Pair resulting mixture to inhale through the nose and mouth for 10-15 minutes 4 times a day. 🍃...
Sunday, September 18, 2016
21 advice on losing weight Make a decision - there are just sitting. Eating standing up, in a hurry, on the street lead to the fact that as a result we eat more. Now remember elephants eat standing up. Did not report on the plate of any dish, strictly adhere to the rules - are satisfied with what is already laid on a plate. Shopping travel well-fed, because then it is easier to overcome the temptation to buy something delicious that we should...
PROPOLIS FROM HUNDREDS OF DISEASES 🍯 The combination of propolis and milk gives a special effect: in addition to the treatment of colds and lung disease improves overall health, sleep, relieve irritability, fatigue. - 10%-ing propolis tincture it is best to buy at the pharmacy. A vial with a capacity of 25 ml will be enough for a long time, and it costs only a few cents. - Make the tool should be in the evening, before bedtime 20 drops in 100 ml of...
The secret to losing weight that no one knows
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe secret to losing weight that no one knows.Turmeric (Curcuma longa) or Indian saffron has an amazing healing effect on the human body. Since turmeric root is a powerful antioxidant, it rightfully occupies a leading place among the means in the fight against old age. And for the woman - this is an invaluable tool for beauty!In one of the ancient languages (Sanskrit) words related to turmeric, mean that it is able to...
Saturday, September 17, 2016
Fish diet for 3 days
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comFish diet for 3 days.Fish nutritionists refer generally to two categories: detox diets for rapid weight loss diet. To the liver, which cleanses the body, worked in emergency mode, it needs polyunsaturated acids, rich source of which is fish. But at the same time fish - easily digestible protein product, the use of which promotes the increase of muscle and reduction of fat. Accordingly, if the goal is to clean your body...
How to remove tummy?
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comExercise 1: CrunchLie on your back, legs bend in knees, feet on the floor at shoulder width, fingers at the nape.On the inhale slowly lift the upper torso up until the blades come off the floor. At the top - exhale.Quantity: 3 sets of 20.Exercise 2: TwistLie down on your side, legs slightly bend at the knees and scrape so that both feet touch the floor. Straighten your lower arm and extend forward, to lean the palm on...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIt is useful to know (how to take pain pills).Much of the known analgesics has only 4 options the main active substance.1. Analgin (Metamizole sodium).One of the most common painkillers (“Baralgin”, “Pentalgin”, “Spazgan”, “Tempalgin”). But it is banned in Australia, England, USA, Germany. With regular use, this drug has a greater load on the liver and can contribute to the violation of its functions. Analgin is not...
Friday, September 16, 2016
The yeast with the milk from the pressure
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comAfter the fifth application, the pressure will be more stableWe have heard and read about the harm of yeast. They say that they make you fat. And I offer you a unique recipe treat high blood pressure, yeast. And most importantly they should be taken only 1 time per month! My mom tames the pressure that way. Drink it 9 months, then 1.5-2 years does not raise the pressure. As soon as a bit starts to feel again starts drinking....
How to quickly reduce high blood pressure
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comHow to quickly reduce high blood pressure.Massage. Smooth slow motions on the neck, focusing on the occipital region.Vinegar compresses. Take 2 piece of cloth and soak them in Apple cider or ordinary table vinegar. Apply to heels and hold for 5 - 7 minutes 20 - 30 minutes, measure the pressure. If no improvement, repeat again.Cranberry juice. Dissolve in 100 ml of juice has the same amount of honey. To be taken three...
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comBefore the fateful date less than a day, and you can’t get rid of terrible acne that sprang up in the most conspicuous place? To eliminate the inflammation in the skin in just one night will allow slice the most ordinary Apple!You will need:- slice a fresh Apple;- water.Slice of fresh Apple dipped in boiling water. After 3-5 minutes, when the Apple has become soft, take it out of the water at night and apply to the trouble...
Be beautiful!
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com15 masks for the skin around the eyesThe skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. It is from this region usually begin to form facial wrinkles and best of all it gives the real age. To care for her it is better to start as early as possible - 20 years.There are many recipes of masks for skin around the eyes and eyelids, with different ingredients and for different purposes and ages.Eyelid skin is often in need...
A selection of the best kefir smoothies to improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system
Unknown12:09 AMimmune, improve, kefir, metabolism, regular, selection, smoothies, strengthen, system
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http://medicine-art.tumblr.comA selection of the best kefir smoothies to improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system. 1. With spices. 200 ml of yogurt, ground ginger and ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife, a little more red pepper. Dilute 2 tablespoons of mineral water and stir. 2. With honey. Even if you can’t give up baking, eat a muffin in the morning, drinking this beverage. Mix 1 teaspoon of ground ginger and honey with 2 tablespoons...
Thursday, September 15, 2016
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThis drink is simple and affordable components, not only nourishes the body with nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, improves the immune system, but also provides an opportunity to normalize weight and significantly improves the condition and color of the skin. This is especially important in the spring. - ginger root - slice length of 5 cm- apples - 5-6 pieces- zest and juice of 1 lemon- honey to taste- 1 cinnamon...
7 effective duets for health
http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. To strengthen bone tissue and solve problems with the stomach, eat a combination of inulin and calcium.Inulin is a special type of fiber that helps promote a balanced level of content in the human digestive system of different beneficial bacteria. In addition, this substance increases the level of absorption bone calcium.Products - the leaders in content of calcium: milk, cheese, yogurt, broccoli, cabbage, canned...
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Rapid methods of dealing with a cold
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comURGENT PROTECTIONSuddenly you have a stuffy nose, tickle in my throat, a headache, and tomorrow it is urgent to work.In this case, to fight the cold will help of simple and effective rapid recipes.Morning method:If in the morning you woke up with cold symptoms, begin treatment immediately.To start, take 40 drops of tincture of Echinacea or kabelkanal dissolve them in 1 tablespoon of water.Then take each hour has 20 drops...
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
How to rid your shoes of odor Odorous shoes can cause complexes and personal tragedies. So take steps to remedy this annoying fault. Dry the shoes In the dry environment, no bacteria can not live, so make sure to thoroughly dry your shoes. Remove the shoelaces and lift the tongue up and out, then place the shoes on a radiator or under direct sunlight. Freeze Put your shoes in a plastic bag and then place it in the freezer overnight. The next morning,...
What area of the foot is associated with what organ?
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comFoot massage will allow to adjust work of organs and relieve tension after training and running.1. Sole and the back of the foot rubbed in the direction from the toes to the ankle joint; duration about 30 sec;2. Fingers of both hands to knead and RUB the base of the toes from the plantar side (30-60), then - heel (30-60);3. Stroking movements to massage the foot (from the sock to the ankle joint), covering it with both...
Monday, September 12, 2016
http://medicine-art.tumblr.comBaking soda has been used for centuries in cooking and household works. But few people think that it can be successfully used for cosmetic purposes. And it is in vain. Baking soda is a wonderful product, with which you can cheaply but effectively care for the face, body, hair.A real woman will find the baking soda many uses:◄ Make effective peelingJust add a pinch of baking soda to your regular foam or gel for washing,...