Thursday, September 8, 2016


For treatment we used drops, but alas, often they just remove the symptoms, in addition, many are addictive and people can not breathe normally without that pharmaceutical “drugs”.

In such cases, you need to go to traditional techniques and the healing power of herbs that can be used for inhalation.

Inhalation is the act 2 one. Germs and other disease-causing abomination attacks the hot steam, and its effect increase the bactericidal properties of essential oils of plants. For procedures you can use essential oils as well as medicinal herbs and fees.

How to do it?

Firstly, remember: if the temperature is above 37.5 is contraindicated inhalation, you risk overheating the entire body. And so all is very simple - breathe over a saucepan with a solution for inhalation, cover your head with a towel. If you treat a runny nose, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, first the breaths have to do is not very sharp, because the nose needs to get used to the heat. The solution temperature should be about 90-80 ° - that is, not boiling water. Duration - around 10 minutes.

Inhalation with essential oils

For inhalation suitable oils of juniper, eucalyptus, pine, fir, cinnamon, tea tree, rosemary. Can add a few drops of lemon or orange oil, especially if you’re exasperated headache, and we need to Wake up.
To the oil dissolved in the water and floated in the water film on the surface, mix it with ordinary salt (this method is suitable for Aromasin). Not pereborshil with the number - for inhalation 2-3 drops will be enough.
Also keep in mind that the eye during inhalation with aromatic oils, you need to close - they are quite pungent.

Inhalation drug charges

For inhalation, apply hot infusions of such plants: pine buds (3 tablespoons per liter of water), eucalyptus (2 tbsp ), calendula flowers, St. John’s wort and eucalyptus leaves in equal proportions (4 tbsp), flowers of chamomile and eucalyptus leaves in equal proportions (4 tbsp).

P. S Nice bonus inhalations they help to purify the skin and improve its appearance, as the steam opens the pores! Because don’t forget after the procedure, carefully wipe the face tonic.


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