Friday, September 23, 2016

Massage the edges of the feet will eliminate back pain

On the edge of the foot projected all the problem areas of the back. They can
to detect by feeling for tender points. Thanks to a unique massage technique on the foot, you can find the whole spine.

Sit on the floor in a comfortable position and cross your legs. Now take your feet in hand, as shown in the photo. Take a look and imagine the line of the spine, which is between the thumb and the heel, on the inner edge. This is a kind of projection of your spine.

Seen visually divide the line into several parts: the sacrum, lumbar region, thoracic and cervical parts, respectively.
With the help of the thumb with some force massage this line, going from heel to toe.

If the spine has problems, you will be able to find on the edge of the foot reflection. You will be able clearly to feel tender points. Massage them, and you will be able to relax nerve endings, creating tension on the spine, not influencing it directly.

Overall relaxing effect you can feel even after the first massage!


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