Friday, September 9, 2016


Save not to lose 📌

For a week you limit your diet just 10 food.

The day you can eat up to 1.5 kg of food, but be sure to include in the diet of all dietary products 10.

Prepare, mix them as you want!

In addition to the allowed diet foods allowed as well:
-onion (onion a day can purple, sweet onion)
lemon juice
-honey (a teaspoon a day)
green tea without restrictions
-olive oil (tablespoon per day),
-brown bread (one slice a day, preferably slightly dry):

So, diet menu:

🍀 chicken breast or Turkey (white meat) or lean, boiled fish
🍀 eggs better than boiled yogurt, 2 % fat
🍀 tomatoes,
🍀 cucumbers,
🍀 squash, zucchini
🍀 cabbage or cauliflower, eggplant
🍀 mushrooms no salt
🍀 any fruit and berries (bananas not more than one per day)

10-day diet you can follow for longer than a week, if it is reasonable to use the suggested list of products.
It can also become your regular diet, you only need to change the products every week!

Weight loss in a week up to 1.5 kg.


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