Saturday, September 24, 2016

What can you make from the juice of Kalanchoe

That can be prepared from the juice of Kalanchoe.

To cut off escapes, rinse and place on 5-7 days in the fridge. Then chop, squeeze the juice and filter. Store at temperature not exceeding 10 °.

Solution for inflammatory eye diseases (blepharitis, conjunctivitis).
Dilute up to 1:1, moisten a cotton pad and apply to eyelids for 10-15 min. up to five times a day.
In the same way you can treat stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Ointment for the treatment of skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis).
In a Cup with a round bottom (wipe it with alcohol or rubbing alcohol) mix 30 ml of juice Kalanchoe with 50 g of anhydrous lanolin, then slowly add 50 g of vaseline. Store in the refrigerator. Lanolin and petroleum jelly to buy in the drugstore.

Tincture for varicose veins.
Fresh crushed leaves (2 tbsp. l. raw pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 10 days, shaking the bottle daily). Daily grind the feet from the bottom up.

Drops in severe acute sinusitis.
The juice of Kalanchoe, aloe juice - 2 tablespoons and the juice of onion - 1 tsp, mix. Bury the mixture at the first 4-5 drops in the left nostril, turn the head to left and lie down for half an hour, then repeat on the right side. After the procedure is to warm the maxillary sinus bottle with warm water and go to bed.


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