Sunday, September 18, 2016

21 advice on losing weight

Make a decision - there are just sitting. Eating standing up, in a hurry, on the street lead to the fact that as a result we eat more. Now remember elephants eat standing up.

Did not report on the plate of any dish, strictly adhere to the rules - are satisfied with what is already laid on a plate.

Shopping travel well-fed, because then it is easier to overcome the temptation to buy something delicious that we should not have.

Going to the store, make a list and not buying anything beyond that.

Go for a walk by yourself or with a dog only after Breakfast (not before), as in this case burn more calories than on an empty stomach.

On the second Breakfast or afternoon snack prepare yourself in advance and very little: a handful of dried plums, a glass of skim milk, a small sandwich with chicken and salad or cheese. It is always better to have something prepared in advance than the heat of the moment is horrible.

If hunger bothers you too much, eat a few fruits for example plums (winter - dried), and the last bone to hold it in your mouth. This way you trick your stomach.

The food does not get distracted, do not watch TV, not read books and Newspapers. Focus on the food, eat with taste, so you do not reproach myself for that, fascinated by the twists and turns of the series, ate 3 times more than I wanted.

During the meal, after each eaten a piece set aside for a minute the knife and fork. Is a rhythm loosen the appetite and therefore you eat a little less.

Prepare as much as you want at 1 time. If cooked more (saving time), then put on the table as much as going to eat and rest immediately in the refrigerator.

Do not eat for 1 more time two dishes: anything with meat and vegetables or a piece of cheese. Multiple change course even in small quantities stimulates the appetite. For this to be submitted and spicy seasonings.

If possible, lunch or dinner it is better to split into 2 doses. For example, a meat dish with vegetables, rice or pasta and green salad without restriction eat at once, and the rest fruit or a piece of cheese in 2 hours.

Eat every morsel like it’s something extra, for example, eggs - small portions, savoring, holding a little longer in your mouth, imagining that every bit of the last. Then, eating less, you may be decide that this piece really is the last on it and the end.

Finish eating, as soon as you feel that the stomach has calmed down. Eating one hard-boiled egg, a piece of cheese and a bit of green salad, we’ll try and calm down the hunger. Will help to deal with it a few small pieces of bread.

Linger at the table after dinner for at least another 15 minutes to give yourself time to feel the quiet state of fullness which will continue for a long time. Eating on the run does not give the same effect and soon will make you feel hungry.

Food and the number of calories you need to align with the rhythm of your day. You can eat more before work than after work. Therefore it is better to give yourself some slack at Breakfast, limit the lunch and it is quite restrained attitude to the dinner, especially if it is just before bedtime.

If it so happened that yesterday you ate a lot (a moment of weakness or birthday aunt) but now try to limit myself: some vegetable soup, almost without salt, the drink is made from herbs instead of tea, low-fat cheese or milk. To make it easier to move this gastronomic repentance, divide these modest portions on part, trying to number them more and calories as possible. It would be good to extend this repentance by 1 day.

Chewing gum with fruit flavor allows for a while to fool the stomach.

Drink fruit juices, but not necessarily mixing them 1 to one with water. So you fill the stomach, will reduce the feeling of hunger and reduce the number of calories contained in juices.

If sitting in front of the TV, you used to nibble cookies or nuts and can’t break the habit, set a plate with a green salad.

Prepare in the freezer the ice cubes from water flavored with mint, vanilla, strawberry juice etc. Can be slightly sweetened. These pieces can be sucked, fending off hunger when it is so very annoying.


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