Monday, September 19, 2016

A Treasury of useful recipes for the common cold

🍃 1 tablespoon of chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water and insist in heat 5 hours. Stir, strain and instilled into the nose 3 times a day.

🍃 3 tbsp chopped onion pour 50 ml of warm water, add ½ tsp of honey, infuse for 30 minutes. Obtained the means to bury your nose 3 times a day.

🍃 The onion and crush the garlic. Pair resulting mixture to inhale through the nose and mouth for 10-15 minutes 4 times a day.

🍃 As soon as a runny nose, apply mustard plasters to the soles and wear thick wool socks. Keep them for 2 hours, then remove and actively to walk 10 minutes in the room.

🍃 Abundantly to lubricate the nasal passages juice of the leaf of Kalanchoe.
4 drops of aloe juice is instilled into each nostril 5 times a day.

🍃 In each nostril drip 5-6 drops of fresh beet juice or put into the nostrils with cotton swabs soaked in this juice.

🍃 A handful of eucalyptus leaves pour boiling water. Breathe over the steam, covering your head with a towel, in the following way: breathe in to be done through the nose and out through your mouth.

🍃 With a strong fever try to inhale the vapor of vinegar, poured on a hot griddle.

🍃 To sniff one or the other nostril cotton wool soaked with ammonia.

🍃 Mix the horseradish, rye flour and honey in equal proportions.
From the resulting dough to make a cake and attach to the nose. The treatment is necessarily carried out overnight for 3 days.

🍃 To bury your nose juice of cabbage 3 times a day.
To lubricate the heel with tincture of iodine, then put on wool socks, shaking them dry mustard.

🍃 To treat the nasal mucosa with petroleum jelly, and then to invest in each nostril a piece of cotton wool, liberally lubricated crushed garlic. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day.

🍃 A good lather dark brown soap the finger and to treat the inner surface of each nostril. The procedure is preferably carried out 3 times a week.

🍃 Mix in equal proportions with vegetable oil and fresh carrot juice. Add a few drops of garlic juice. Received by the tool nose drip 3 drops 3 times a day.

🍃 Do daily nasal rinses with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

🍃 Useful garlic oil. One clove of garlic, pour in 1 tbsp oil, drain in the morning and bury the liquid in the nose 3-4 times a day, pre-clearing it of mucus.

🍃 1 tbsp Alchemilla vulgaris pour 1 Cup of boiling water. Received means rinse the nose 2-3 times a day.

🍃 In the prevention times a day to wash the nose baby soap.

🍃 Dissolve honey in warm boiled water in the ratio 1:2. 5 drops of the resulting solution instilled into both nostrils several times a day.

🍃 Homemade nasal drops

Mix 1 tbsp strong brewed black tea, 0.5 tsp. of honey and 15 drops of tincture of eucalyptus (you can buy in the pharmacy). Bury the nose 1 to 5 drops 3-4 times a day. This tool can be used even for young children.


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