Saturday, September 17, 2016


It is useful to know (how to take pain pills).

Much of the known analgesics has only 4 options the main active substance.

1. Analgin (Metamizole sodium).
One of the most common painkillers (“Baralgin”, “Pentalgin”, “Spazgan”, “Tempalgin”). But it is banned in Australia, England, USA, Germany. With regular use, this drug has a greater load on the liver and can contribute to the violation of its functions. Analgin is not shown to children till 18 years.

2. The paracetamol.
Fairly harmless for children. It is available in pure form and in the composition of the combined drugs (“Coldrex”, “Fervex”, “Solpadein”). You can’t use paracetamol for a hangover combined with alcohol it is dangerous for the liver. Don’t want to take it with anti-allergic drugs.

3. Aspirin.
Is part of many drugs (“, Asfendiyar”, “Askofen”, “also present”, “Advil”). Not shown to children till 18 years. To aspirin should be careful when problems with the gastrointestinal tract or increased fragility of vessels.

4. Ibuprofen.
Based on it produces several drugs (Nurofen”, “Brufen”). Well tolerated as paracetamol. Has less effect on the gastrointestinal tract than aspirin.


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