Monday, September 5, 2016


Japanese method of correction changes the look of in 5 minutes a day!!!

This simple technique developed by the Japanese specialists about ten years ago. It allows you to return the skeleton in a natural position and to change the shape of the body by making the waist thinner and the back is smoother.

Read and you with this wonderful technique:

1. Roll out the towel tight roller length less than 40 cm and a thickness of 7 - 10 cm. Roller bandages strong thread that does not spill.

2. Sit on a firm horizontal surface (soft bed is not suitable, it is better to lie on a couch, massage table or just on the travel rug on the floor), put a folded cushion.

3. Gently fall on your back, hands holding roller so that it was across the body under the waist - just under the navel. This is important.

4. Feet put on width apart and “clumsily” bring the feet together so that your thumbs touch each other, and the heel was at a distance of 20 - 25 centimeters.

5. Winding the elongated straight arms behind your head, turn your palms to face down and connected fingers. The pose is awkward, if you can’t straighten your arms completely, not afraid to let him lie, as it turns out. The main thing is to keep in contact large toes and little fingers of hands.

6. Lying in this position for 5 minutes.
If done correctly, your skeleton will begin immediately to accept the natural form - and you will feel like your stomach miraculously “drawn” inside the body.

However, this process can be painful. If you find it too difficult to leave it for 5 minutes, start with a minute or two each day increasing the time of rest at the shaft”.

The results will be noticeable to others after about a month.

‼ During each session, bones and joints slightly move, so get out towel very carefully without any sudden movements.


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