Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tips trainer


Tips trainer.

1. During the day drink at least 2 liters of fluid.
2. Of alcohol only some red wine.
3. Before Breakfast on an empty stomach to drink 1 glass of water with lemon and honey.Only through 20t minutes to Breakfast.
4. Drink water half an hour before a meal. During the meal nothing to drink. After eating to drink no sooner than 40 minutes
5. You need to eat about 4-5times a day.
6. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime.After only water, green tea, fat-free yogurt.
7. To drink tea without sugar, with honey.Coffee without additives (such as cream, milk, sugar). It’s empty calories.
8. Potatoes not more than 2 times a week. And only boiled or baked form.
9. Grapes and bananas can wait the moment when you will lose weight.Also no more than 2 times a week.
10. Fasting day without harming the figure you can spend 1 day a week. Or 2, but not in a row! (For example Monday and Friday).
11. To make your cheating possible in that case, if the weight is within 2 months.
12. Never forget about the sport. Easy charging in the morning and evening. If you can not go to the gym, take it home. There are video tutorials. Come out to the stadium for a run.
13. The perfect time for sports -17.00 20.00
14. Never skip Breakfast!
15. For lunch, good soups, broths, salads, boiled not greasy meat, vegetables, fruit.
16. In the afternoon good: yogurt, salad, yogurt, boiled not greasy meat, vegetables.
17. For dinner good: light salad, cottage cheese, yoghurt or slightly steamed vegetables.
18. Fruits are best eaten in the morning.
19. And forget about fried foods.
20. Salads dressed with sour cream or natural yoghurt. Well, or oil.
21. Forget the semi-finished products, fast food, sunflower seeds, salted nuts, chips and stuff like that. Mayonnaise at all in the trash! Sweet water is impossible, if you want to lose weight. A sweet preferably a piece of black chocolate in the morning. Well, from fat, flour give up, if can not, then reduce to low. Cakes, cookies, muffins, no,no AND NO!
22. Eat in small portions.One meal not more than 200g.
23. Take get a plate yourself and eat with a teaspoon. The first time will be hard, 7 days exactly, and then the stomach will shrink and you’ll eat less in General.


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