Thursday, September 8, 2016

After 3 months of regular exercise others will throw admiring glances at you and girlfriends will envy ask how you managed so quickly to make such a beautiful figure

After 3 months of regular exercise others will throw admiring glances at you and girlfriends will envy ask how you managed so quickly to make the figure look so beautiful.
Exercises for removing fat from stomach and sides

1. Squats. Begin with 20 sit-UPS. Back straight, abdominal muscles tense.

2. Inclinations in the parties. 20 times a few approaches.

3. Lying on the floor on your side raise legs to 90 ° to the torso. For 20 repetitions on each side for multiple approaches. This is the most effective exercise.

4. Lying on the floor, hands behind his head. You will pedal. The exercise is familiar to you. Very effective for stomach.

5. Exercises with a Hoop or a hula Hoop well take the fat and on the sides and belly. Do not take the money and buy yourself this gymnastic equipment.

The rule is to do these 5 exercises every day and within a month you will notice how the fat started to move away from the sides and belly, thallium acquire a beautiful shape, and some even appear :) well, less flour and sugar.


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