Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Rapid methods of dealing with a cold


Suddenly you have a stuffy nose, tickle in my throat, a headache, and tomorrow it is urgent to work.

In this case, to fight the cold will help of simple and effective rapid recipes.

Morning method:

If in the morning you woke up with cold symptoms, begin treatment immediately.

To start, take 40 drops of tincture of Echinacea or kabelkanal dissolve them in 1 tablespoon of water.

Then take each hour has 20 drops all day.

An hour before leaving the house take the cough mixture after preparing it from 1 tsp of rosehip syrup, 2 tbsp of yogurt and beet juice ,mix it all with lemon juice.

Formal method:
If the cold made itself felt after lunch or towards evening, begin to starve.

Try not to eat anything, and enjoy a cocktail from the cold.

To do this, take 1 liter of water, dissolve it in 0.3 g vitamin C,1 tsp of sea salt and the juice of half a lemon.

Take ready mix 1 tbsp in one hour.

After that ,if there is no temperature,take a hot bath,and after it,immediately put on wool socks,warm pajamas and go to sleep.

If the temperature,instead of a bath, vigorously RUB the foot and make them a massage to redness

Will help to get rid of a cold in one night.

To make it, make an infusion of 1 tbsp mint and 1 Cup water.

Cool it to room temperature and dissolve it in 1 tbsp flower honey,finely chopped garlic clove and juice of half a lemon.

It all mix,drink and go to bed

Warming mulled wine

Another very effective tool when starting cold is warming mulled wine

This tool is very popular in Europe and is an alternative to many tablets
Red wine,included in its composition,itself has antimicrobial properties,and when heated they increase.

The drink is very well restores strength and improves health.
To prepare the mulled wine just:
In 1 liter of red wine put chopped slices and zest of the orange ,sour Apple, spices: cinnamon stick, 5 stuff cloves, 3 peppercorns, 3 tbsp sugar, nutmeg and the juice of half a lemon.

Heat the mixture over low heat,stirring but not boiling.

Take a hot mulled wine glass, preferably overnight.


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