Thursday, September 1, 2016


Weight loss

Studies in 2003 and 2007 and conducted in Germany, showed that the water activates the process of burning calories in the body and accelerates metabolism by 20-30% within 30 minutes after its consumption. Researchers are advised to account for this effect and turn the water on in the software obespechenie for weight loss. Besides the feeling of hunger occurs when the stomach is empty, so a glass of water helps to moderate the appetite.

Healthy skin

Through the pores of the skin in 10% of consumed moisture. The better the quality of the water You drink, the less harmful impurities enters the body that benefit the skin.
To give your skin more elasticity, you can perform a simple procedure. Wet a towel in hot water, apply it to the face for a minute, then rinse face cleansing tonic, then rinse with cold tonic water. Water for washing must be filtrovani that contaminants did not get to the skin.

Shiny hair

Hairdressers recommend that after showering or bathing, rinse head with cold water, because under the influence of low temperature of Horny scales on the hair pressed. making your hair more shiny and manageable while combing.

Toned body

Tempering, pouring and water sports help us to stay in good shape for anytime of the year. Scientists report that the water requires 12 times more effort to make any movement than air, so exercising in the pool is very effective for the formation of muscles. In addition, water can give the effect is akin to anti-cellulite massage: a strong jet of water will help to make the buttocks firmer and toned.


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