Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Medicine ambulance from joint pain!


Cheap and effective!

The Japanese say that a person stays young as long as he’s fine joints. And it’s hard to disagree! With healthy joints, you remain available all pleasures of life: Hiking in the mountains, romantic walks and travel, if you wish, even dancing. You can dance as a young, not paying attention to what decade are already “exchanged”. But, unfortunately, that age inevitably brings the emergence of diseases of the joints.

This medicine should be in every home.

Add 1 tablespoon of coarse salt in 1 liter of water and stir. Separately take 80-100 ml of 10 % ammonia and pour 10 g of camphor alcohol. Stir the mixture and connect with the saline solution. Appears white flakes. Close the container lid and shake the vessel until then, until the flakes disappear. The medicine is ready. To relieve headaches preheat the mixture in a water bath, soak her entire head and tie the head on the night a warm scarf. For pain in the joints make the compress on the joint, resting on top of compress paper or cellophane and wrap. Lotions can be done 2-3 times a day.


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