Thursday, September 1, 2016

Why is the stomach?

Based on the fact that I ask a lot of questions about belly and how to get rid of it, I decided to write an article in which you will understand, why it still appears and how to fight it.

Fat, as such, 1 of the coping mechanisms. It enables a person to survive the cold season, from one crop to another, etc. So fat it is a normal process, most importantly, not to employ it in excess of. What is the mechanism of fat deposition? Firstly, it is, of course, excessive consumption of carbohydrates, especially fast (sugar). In our body there are no large depot for storage of carbohydrates. In the form of glycogen in the muscles is stored a total of about 60-80g carbs, and the same in the liver, the remaining part of the consumed carbohydrates are processed and deposited in our body as fat.

Also, a large amount of fat consumed affects the deposition of fat. In 100g of fat contains as much as 900кал! To put our body into fat easier than carbs. The process of fat digestion is very complicated, and as energy fat is used in the last turn, because to get energy from protein and carbohydrates much easier. Well, in any case, if you consume more calories than you expend, the excess energy will be delayed in the body as fat.

Now let’s see where the fat is deposited. Fat is stored in skin and fat tissue that is under our skin, and inside all of our bodies. It’s called viszeralny fat. This is abdominal fat, which shows the degree of obesity of internal organs and speaks to the continued threat of cardiovascular disease, thrombosis, varicose veins, heart attacks and strokes. This fat is under the abdominal wall and as it pushes the belly forward.

If the abdominal muscles strong, it can be a bit controlling, if the muscles of the abdomen, moreover, is weak, and it turns out bulging and hanging belly.

No ‘swing’ press naturally get rid of a stomach will not help you. In order to get rid of subcutaneous and internal fat, and, accordingly, the stomach, need to make it so that the fat began to burn, and burns fat in our muscles muthondriah under the influence of oxygen. In order for the oxygen got into our body needed cardio with a heart rate about 75% of the maximum. (220-your age is a calculation of the maximum). You also need to reduce or stop the deposition of fat. This requires the minimization or elimination of fast carbs, sugars, flour, etc., and reduce consumption of fat. Try to sort through and look at everything you eat. Calculate the approximate consumption of calories and fat and adjust the food if necessary. I think you’ll be surprised how more than you think you are consumed daily! Returning to cardio stress, cardio time should not be less than 40 minutes, because in the first 20 minutes you burn only carbohydrates in the form of glycogen, and only then start to burn fats. Of course, the more you currently have ‘gorged’ stomach, the more time you will need to decrease, but all recipes has long been known that magic pill to help get rid of belly fat in a day, yet, so the main thing is to have patience, to put in the effort and then do it!


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