Monday, September 19, 2016



- Mix equal parts fresh blueberries and raspberries. By the way, the blueberry is considered one of the best remedies to improve eyesight - eat it without restrictions.

- Pour boiled water from purified water 3 teaspoons roots (chopped) swamp sweet flag and allow the composition to infuse for half an hour. Drink a quarter Cup three times a day.

- Take in throughout the day in 3 - 4 hours for 5 schisandra fruit. Drink green tea.

- Pour 4 - 6 large spoons of chopped dried roots of Wheatgrass to five cups of purified water and cook until evaporation of a quarter of the volume. A ready broth to drink one big spoon 4 - 5 times a day.

- Mix a quarter teaspoon of honey with half Cup of tea strong tea leaves. The finished mixture is used for instillation in the eyes. 5 drops three times a day.

- Drink at night glass of honey water (one teaspoon of honey in a glass of purified water).

- Daily drink at least one glass of fresh carrot juice with half teaspoon of olive oil.

- One of the best ways to improve vision is a decoction of rose hips, which should be prepared on the basis of the proportion 3 to 4 teaspoons of crushed fruit to 2 cups of boiling water. Cook for five minutes. In the warm add a teaspoon of honey (per Cup of broth).

Also to improve vision is recommended to eat in day at least one hundred fifty grams of salad with ginger and red beets, dressed with lemon juice and olive oil (tea spoon).

- Boil 5 minutes in two cups of water one to two teaspoons of crushed nettle (can be used as leaves and stems), then strain the broth through cheesecloth and mix it with green tea. Eat half a Cup a day.

- Brew in a clean Cup with one Cup boiling water one tea spoon of dried calendula, and then allow the infusion to stand in a warm place for 3 to 5 minutes and strain it. Means use glass every 4 to 6 hours. You can add honey.

Pour it over one teaspoon fennel seeds (dry) Cup of boiling water. After 5 minutes, drink the infusion in small SIPS. Use twice a day.


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