Thursday, September 8, 2016

The unique properties of soap: 11 unusual secrets

The unique properties of soap: 11 unusual secrets.

Once the house every housewife have always been a bar of soap. But it was used not only for washing. If you don’t have this wonderful tool, then I advise you to buy as it costs pennies, and its method of application you can find a lot. Take these tips that have already been tested by a whole generation of people.

1. If you want to have long and thick hair or to get rid of dandruff, there is no better means than Laundry soap, you will not find. First, use the shampoo and then wash your head with soap and water. After the rinse water with a few drops of vinegar. This method is more suitable for the owners of greasy hair type.

2. In order to avoid any irritation of sensitive skin after waxing, wash the desired area with this soap.

3. Wash with soap 2 times a week for skin rejuvenation. After necessarily apply on the face of an ordinary baby cream. The effect of such washings stunning.

4. Advice for lovers. Wash in the steam room with birch twigs soaked in a solution of soap, the skin.

5. Soap will save from the cold, if you start treatment at the first symptoms. Make a soapy solution, dip it with a cotton swab and wash out the sinuses.

6. It’s a great tool helps with fungal diseases of the feet. Wash affected area soap with a brush, then clean the skin with iodine.

7. It is recommended to handle toothbrush with a solution of soap and leave on overnight. Using this method you will decontaminate it.

8. To relieve swelling and bruising make this miracle soap in water and RUB the skin. Try the procedure a couple of times a day.

9. For getting rid of boils. Mix in a ratio of 1:1 of grated onion, soap and sugar. Apply this ointment before going to sleep on the boil and wrap.

10. Cracked heels make a bath of 2 liters of hot water, 1 tsp soda and 1 tbsp of grated soap.

11. When the sun burn and RUB affected area with bar soap and let dry. This will allow you to avoid potential skin redness and blistering from the burn.

It would seem that such a common tool like soap, and can be so useful.


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