Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How to rid your shoes of odor


Odorous shoes can cause complexes and personal tragedies. So take steps to remedy this annoying fault.

Dry the shoes

In the dry environment, no bacteria can not live, so make sure to thoroughly dry your shoes. Remove the shoelaces and lift the tongue up and out, then place the shoes on a radiator or under direct sunlight.


Put your shoes in a plastic bag and then place it in the freezer overnight. The next morning, soak in the sun for best results. There is plenty of evidence that such a strategy is functioning, because the bacteria in shoes are subjected to a double whammy.

Put the orange zest, grapefruit, lemon in shoes

Fresh citrus peel has a bright and strong smell due to the contained essential oils. Put some peel in your shoes overnight. In the morning she will smell much nicer. About the same effect can be achieved by dropping a few drops of lavender oil on the insole.


The shoes can be successfully washed in the washing machine. Put it in an old pillowcase or wash with a couple of towels, do not use too hot water and a centrifuge. You can also use fabric softener to flavor, and white vinegar, which will kill the bacteria that cause the smell. To dry shoes better in the fresh air.

Do deodorizing powder

Mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 tablespoon cornstarch and 5 drops of tea tree oil. Treat this part of the inner surface of the Shoe after wearing and leave overnight. This powder is a powerful remedy against bacteria and fungus, but also has the ability to absorb odors and antiseptic.

Use newspaper or cat litter

1 way to get rid of excess moisture in shoes is to put them in crumpled newspaper or cat litter. They will be able to absorb all the sweat and its odor, after which they can just throw it away.

But if you suffered a misfortune and your sneakers won the competition for the title of worst shoes in town, I use several of these methods. For example, sprinkle a deodorizing powder, fill it with Newspapers, put overnight in the fridge, and then hold under the first rays of the morning sun. And then, I’m sure your shoes will smell only Lily of the valley and honey cakes.


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