Thursday, September 29, 2016

Conduct detox and purify the body

Guide detox, and you will see the health benefits.

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Program duration - 4 days. At this time you eat foods that cleanse the body well. This:

- vegetables;
- fruits;
- Fig;
- juices.

First day: vegetables

On this day, it is them. It can be: young carrot, cabbage, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, radish, radish, turnip, rutabaga, etc. - any vegetables that you like. You can eat them in natural form, to chew just. Or, you can prepare raw salads. But cooked vegetables during detox excluded.

Salads are allowed to fill a small amount of vegetable oil and lemon juice or natural vinegar (Apple, fruit, grape). Allowed a little bit of salt.

During the day, eat as much lettuce as you want. But, of course, within reasonable limits.

How do they work? They are good clean gastrointestinal tract. Vegetables contains high amount of fiber, which is a coarse fiber. They “sweep” our digestive tract, removes out the food residues and toxins. They are also effective against constipation.

In addition to the intestine, raw vegetables with vegetable oil and lemon juice have a beneficial effect on the liver, stimulating the bile flow. This, in turn, contributes to the reduction and dissolution of sand and stones in the gallbladder and helps to remove them from the body.

Second day: fruit

As is known, fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, many of them, like vegetables, contain fiber, therefore help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

For holding fruit day take 2.5 kg of fruit. It can be apples, pears, plums, peaches, nectarines, persimmons, grapes, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, kiwi - any fruit you like.

Take 2.5 kg of fruit, and divide into 6 parts (piles). Each will contain approximately 400 g, This corresponds to a weight of two good apples.

The fruit can be the same (for example, a whole day of only apples), or different - it’s at your discretion.

Every 2.5 hours eat one serving of fruit. For example, the spacing may be such: 8.00, 10.30, 13.00, 15.30, 17.30, 20.00.

Fruit day easily tolerated, as the 2.5 hours you won’t be hungry.

Third day: rice

Rice has the ability to pull into itself toxins, toxins, radionuclides, salts, sand. Therefore, it is an important element of a detox.

In the evening rinse 0.5 kg of rice and fill it with boiled water. It should be 3 times more than rice. Let the rice be so all night.

In the morning drain the water and boil rice until tender. Salt it is not necessary, then the effect of cleansing is maximized. In a pinch, you can add a dash of salt.

Divide the cooked rice into 6 parts. Eat it in intervals of 2.5 hours as described above. It will be like a sponge to draw out toxins from the body and excrete them out.

Fourth day: juices

Of course, it is best to drink freshly squeezed juices. If you have a juicer and the time, you can cook them yourself. And if not, you can use ready store-bought juices. I must say that in detox good, only one hundred percent natural juices, not beverages, nectars etc. So, when buying juice, read the label carefully. It must be 100% juice. Anything else should not be there (sugar, water, citric acid, etc.).

The biggest cleaning effect is citrus juices: orange, tangerine, grapefruit. Also suitable carrot and Apple juices.

Buy 2.5 liters of juice and divide it into 6 parts. Drink it the same way as described above.

What you can drink during the detox?

During the detox abstain from tea and coffee. You can drink water (regular and mineral), black and green tea without sugar and herbal infusions.

During juice day drinking additional liquid is not required.

Dried fruits

So during the detox in the body is not any shortage of glucose, eat some dried fruit, a few pieces a day. It is best suited raisins and dried apricots.

For this purpose, suitable, and honey, you can eat a couple of spoons a day.


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