Monday, September 12, 2016

11 rules groomed girls:

1.To smooth the skin will allow the mixture of oats with water. Apply the resulting creamy paste on the face for 15 minutes, this will reduce the redness of the skin.

2.To remove dark circles under eyes you can use grated potato wrapped in cheesecloth. Do these packs every morning for 5 minutes. Potatoes contain an enzyme of catecholase, which is a natural lightener of the skin.

3.You can get the best tanning effect if you apply artificial tan to the skin within half an hour after taking a shower, when the skin’s PH is lower than usual. The formula of tools would be best to react with your skin and the tan will be deeper, bronze and long for the body.

4. If you are active during the day, take a shower in the morning and evening, but do not use the shampoo twice a day. Just apply conditioner on the hair ends.

5. Say goodbye to split ends. To avoid damage to the ends, comb them first, and then rise above the roots of the hair.

6.Apply the lotion, giving a fresh, warm, glowing appearance of the skin on the palm and gently apply it on your face over makeup (even on top of powder).

7. Let your eyes Shine. Mix a small amount of Golden shimmering cream concealer for the eye area. This will refresh your mind and magically removes dark circles under the eyes.

8. Make the look more expressive. When you have limited time, do not invent anything new, just get the inner part of the upper eyelid bright pearly color pencil sapphire or emerald.

9.Conditioner for softening dry cuticles - the perfect tool for smooth healthy nails.

10. Apply the cleanser with exfoliating components in the armpits before shaving. This will make shaving more smooth and will destroy bacteria, preventing acne.

11. Take care of your feet. Before waxing or shaving, apply on the feet a mixture of olive oil and sea salt, and then thoroughly rinse. This will allow a good scrub and moisturize the skin and make shaving easy and smooth.


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