Thursday, September 8, 2016

Pellet cough

Pellet cough.

Prolonged and severe coughs well help various pellet cough. They are known since ancient times, but resort to them very rarely. Pellet is completely harmless and perfectly cures diseases of the respiratory system, even in infants.

There are several varieties of honey lozenges for cough.

1. One spoon of honey and salt mixed, uniformly applied to the bandage or cloth and applied for the night on the chest. In the morning wipe the chest with a damp cloth, as a rule, remains only salt.

2. Mixed in equal parts sunflower oil, honey and flour. Laid out on the bandage or gauze on the chest, on top of a layer of polyethylene and a layer of cotton wool. Put for 3 hours and washed off.

3. Mixed 1 tbsp of honey, 1 tbsp of sunflower oil, the same amount of flour and dry mustard. Roll out to thin pancakes and put or back, or chest for 2 hours depending on the patient. Well in this cake add 1 tablespoon of vodka, heat in a water bath and put on the chest or back, avoiding the heart area.

Almost a couple of sessions with applying the above pellets and compresses makes it possible to fully get rid of cough and the implications associated with it.


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