Saturday, September 3, 2016

Traditional recipes for headaches

Traditional recipes for headaches.

* The headache will disappear or become much weaker if to lean his forehead against the windowpane, which neutralizes the electrostatic charge accumulated on the skin and causing soreness.

* Moisten a piece of wool with a mixture of equal amounts of 9% vinegar and olive oil, applying to head. The same effect has a simple wetting of 3% vinegar.

* To relieve headaches, you can tie the head with a strip of soft wool with a width of 7-8 cm. from the Front it should cover the eyebrows, and back to place under the occiput.

* Clear from the white matter of fresh lemon rind 2-3 mm thick, to attach it to his head wet side and hold in this position for some time. Soon, under lemon peel formed by the red spot that will start burning and itching and pain will disappear.

* One of the best remedies for headaches - dosage patch of mustard (yellow card) on the back of the head or the heel.


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